Any powers that be adoring worhippers who dare to be vegetarians or vegans? Don't let the powers that be know THAT. Pretend you are STEAK EATER too. Will you?
He was desperate. It didn't work. He died.Remember way back when in November the powers that be had a partial physical? So far it is still partial.Is the powers that be DESPERATE d... moreHe was desperate. It didn't work. He died.Remember way back when in November the powers that be had a partial physical? So far it is still partial.Is the powers that be DESPERATE due to some medcal condition and that's why he took the Hydrochlorox as a last desperate measure?Inquiring minds wanna know these things. Are you an inquirer an admirer?
Gotta keep him happy or exp0lodes and does very bad things. Anything to keep quiet keep him happy defang declaw him.I'm sure there's big bucks in doing that.
If true they show how much they lack any originality or creativity. All they can do is copycat others. No surprise there. Is there?If not true who is scandalizing them, tarring the... moreIf true they show how much they lack any originality or creativity. All they can do is copycat others. No surprise there. Is there?If not true who is scandalizing them, tarring them, attacking them? Anyone know what's going on?
He deployed them for a few months. He is stopping the deployment on the 89th day. KNOW WHY?Because if they are deployed 90 days they become eligible for certain gubment benefits. T... moreHe deployed them for a few months. He is stopping the deployment on the 89th day. KNOW WHY?Because if they are deployed 90 days they become eligible for certain gubment benefits. The cheapskate thought he could sneak right through and no one would say a word. Now his cheapd deadbeat is all over the news and it is now alledged that he is "rethinking" this. So far NO NEWS. Whatcha think he'll do? Look at his polls and panic and extend the deployment or not give a rat's a** and pull the plug the day before the benefits kick in because he can? He stiffs everyone all the time as much as he can. He takes a great deal of pride in it. less
That the corrupt two-bit con man would/could corrupt all three parts of the gubment. But the powers that be done did exactly that.Who wouldda thunk it?
Choosing your health so you DON'T VOTE is the point.Do that and the powers that be will win. He is deathly afraid of voting by mail and so does what he always does. LIES about it. ... moreChoosing your health so you DON'T VOTE is the point.Do that and the powers that be will win. He is deathly afraid of voting by mail and so does what he always does. LIES about it. ACCUSES it of evil and those who do of being crooked corrupt just like he is 24/7.The more terrified he becomes the more he will wing it and lie and accuse and deny and insult and cry and whine and tear up the victim of a vast conspiracy. Everyone is out to get him. Everyone hates him. Poor him. VICTIM him. He expects it.
Dam* straight! That's how the powers that be got ta be what he is.Over 20,000 lies and counting yet his cabal believes he never lies and always tell the truth and all truth r... moreDam* straight! That's how the powers that be got ta be what he is.Over 20,000 lies and counting yet his cabal believes he never lies and always tell the truth and all truth resides only in him and only in him can they believe. So they do. Easy peasy.