All he sez he saw was an ORDERLY progression of people entering the Capitol. That's it. That's all.Is that all YOU saw and heard?This stupid dumb obviously did not hear the shouts ... moreAll he sez he saw was an ORDERLY progression of people entering the Capitol. That's it. That's all.Is that all YOU saw and heard?This stupid dumb obviously did not hear the shouts to find and hang PENCE and PELOSI. Did not see the NOOSES in hand to effect such an end. Did not see cops being battered and hurt. Did not know of any dead or maimed. All they saw was "an orderly progression of people entering the Capitol".This is the dregs of the scum supporting a scumbag like FOOTOO. Whaddaya expect them to be? TRUTHFUL HONORABLE HONEST JUST PATRIOTIC? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.They continue on with THE BIG LIE and will die telling it. All is calm all is bright all is good in FOOTOOLAND.Also 9/11 never happened. The Holocaust never happened. The confederates won the Civil war. Women don't have the vote and black people are all slaves and counted as 3/4 a person.WHITE SUPREMACY rocks and rolls and rules. HATE is great and lives on.WHITE SUPREMACIST RACIST DOMESTIC TERRORISTS are the worst there is and o... less
Do you relax and just go with the flow as it plays out to its conclusion?Accept adapt and make the best of it? Since there is absolutely nothing you can do about it?
Lyrics...wordsLyrical...poetryLyrics aren't always poeticBoop boop dittum dattum waddum chooBoop boop dittum dattum waddum chooBoop boop dittum dattum waddum choo'And they swam and... moreLyrics...wordsLyrical...poetryLyrics aren't always poeticBoop boop dittum dattum waddum chooBoop boop dittum dattum waddum chooBoop boop dittum dattum waddum choo'And they swam and they swam all over the dam?I dunno. Something like that. OrMarezydoats and dozydotes and liddlelambzyivyA kiddleeativy tooWooden shoe?I know I know I know.Mares eat oatsAnd does eat oatsAnd little lambs eat ivyA kid will eat ivy tooWouldn't you?Back in the day "they" had fun with lyrics. Today? Where's the fun or has that been exterminated and extincted too along with reverence for TRUTH? less
All food dyes are suspect. No matter the color or number some have been found to be CARCINOGENIC so we stay away from anything that is dyed with a color that carries a number.Now o... moreAll food dyes are suspect. No matter the color or number some have been found to be CARCINOGENIC so we stay away from anything that is dyed with a color that carries a number.Now of course natural dyes as occurs in beets or carrots is fine. There is no number affixed to beets or carrots.Well FOOTOO is dyed from his head to his toes in orange. Maybe that is why he is what he is? Being slowly infected year after year after year as he is redyed year after year after year? Could be. Who knows?
Because homo saps are built to root for THE BAD GUYS. Why I don't know.The more evil venal vile corrupt the more they support adore worship admire respect.Seems a**backwards to me ... moreBecause homo saps are built to root for THE BAD GUYS. Why I don't know.The more evil venal vile corrupt the more they support adore worship admire respect.Seems a**backwards to me but what do I know? Old School. What used to be used to be way better than what is...sometimes or most times.I don't how many root for the bad guys but enough to make them in charge a lot.It's not something one can get used to accommodate to easily. Except for those who are the same and admire respect adore support worship. Different aspects of homo saps. Yin and Yang. Black and white figuratively not literally. Wherever you are is where you are because you wanna be. You make your bed and lie in it. You choose your weapons and go with it. You do what you have to do to remain you. That's all the justification rationalization needed these days. OY VEY! less
No bonding occurs between dissimilars. They are wired differently for whatever reason and so it goes.How are YOU wired? Is it such that you bond with others or that you don't? Are ... moreNo bonding occurs between dissimilars. They are wired differently for whatever reason and so it goes.How are YOU wired? Is it such that you bond with others or that you don't? Are your views that different from most homo saps or are you a mainstream kinda person and where the flow goes you go too?
I've always liked her but until I saw the movie ROBERTA (released in 1935) I had no idea what a beautiful voice she had.I wonder who else is similarly talented and rarely if ever g... moreI've always liked her but until I saw the movie ROBERTA (released in 1935) I had no idea what a beautiful voice she had.I wonder who else is similarly talented and rarely if ever gets to share the talents?It's not an earth-shaking discovery that would change our lives. But it would be nice knowing about them wouldn't it?
Illogical.Ya got those who have more than they will ever need or want or can use and yet that isn't enough for them. They want more and what's more they begrudge what you have and ... moreIllogical.Ya got those who have more than they will ever need or want or can use and yet that isn't enough for them. They want more and what's more they begrudge what you have and think they are ENTITLED to that too.Then ya got those who invest their lives in helping others and will do without themselves to provide for others.Why?Why can't our circuitry be uniform and logical?We are born live die.Our destinations are the same.No one escapes.Some say all for one and one for allOthers say I got mine get your own and bug offGo figger. less