People LIE all the time right? They can say they are vaccinated and show you a fake card attesting thereto.I won't unmask or unsocial distance or EVER (probably) dine inside a rest... morePeople LIE all the time right? They can say they are vaccinated and show you a fake card attesting thereto.I won't unmask or unsocial distance or EVER (probably) dine inside a restaurant again. WHY? I don't trust folks. More and more I see less and less reason to trust. LYING is now the way to go for everyone about everything all time. All due to FOOTOO and the FOOTOOHEADS who 24/7 LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE. I don't care if you lie about your age or your income or if you namedrop. But if you are lying to me about being vaccinated when you aren't? I hope you go directly to wherever the pain is greatest. There. I wonder how many others like me have been made to be that way? FOOTOO did a number on everyone. No I won't go into toilet humor and say NUMBER TWO. That's entirely up to you. Sheesh. Sigh. Next? less
Do they continue to promulgate THE BIG LIE, roll over, beg, whimper, play dead?Will ther want the FOOTOO to serve as president from his PRISON ISOLATION IN SOLITARY CELL?I be... moreDo they continue to promulgate THE BIG LIE, roll over, beg, whimper, play dead?Will ther want the FOOTOO to serve as president from his PRISON ISOLATION IN SOLITARY CELL?I bet they will.
FOOTOO may have used VOODOO to capture his adoring worshippers. How else do you explain the desperation of their adoration? As if their lives depended on his glorious return as pre... moreFOOTOO may have used VOODOO to capture his adoring worshippers. How else do you explain the desperation of their adoration? As if their lives depended on his glorious return as president. It is unprecedented. It is beyond suspicious. What other dark forces are operating here?
Well ya see billycandybarr is now going to be rescinded ignored rejected and he may well be also on deck for being charged with dereliction of duty, looking the other way, colludin... moreWell ya see billycandybarr is now going to be rescinded ignored rejected and he may well be also on deck for being charged with dereliction of duty, looking the other way, colluding with a criminal. sucking up to a big yuck.I can hardly wait.
ONLY THOSE WHO GET VACCINATED ARE ELIGIBLE5 weeks in a row there will be a LOTTERY DRAW for $1 millionAlso there will be a lottery for Three 4-year scholarships at a universi... moreONLY THOSE WHO GET VACCINATED ARE ELIGIBLE5 weeks in a row there will be a LOTTERY DRAW for $1 millionAlso there will be a lottery for Three 4-year scholarships at a university in OhioI know. A REPUBLICAN who is anxious to get his people protected. SO ANXIOUS he is doing what he is pretty sure will work..dangle money.A very nice template for what other governors should do. NO OTHER REPUBLICAN has the courage to do and he might get a lotta flak for it. I think he will tell his critics to shove it where the sun don't shine. I could be wrong. less