So what's the holdup? Why the delay?CHRISTIAN ZIONISM is based on this belief.Now in fine print Jews are supposed to convert to being Christians when that happens. But that i... moreSo what's the holdup? Why the delay?CHRISTIAN ZIONISM is based on this belief.Now in fine print Jews are supposed to convert to being Christians when that happens. But that isn't what the focus is on is it?OH how we await the SECOND COMING. Only it seems like a con. So far no show. What is JESUS waiting for? The complete annihilation of Palestine? Anyone out there have reasonable logical sensible answer to WHAT IS JESUS WAITING FOR?Seriously. This goes on on on ?
CooperatingCompromisingFacilitatingEasingSolvingServingGuess who be the they? FOOTOO and the FOOTOOHEADS of course. They will murder others and kill themselves before they wi... moreCooperatingCompromisingFacilitatingEasingSolvingServingGuess who be the they? FOOTOO and the FOOTOOHEADS of course. They will murder others and kill themselves before they will ever work to do good for the public. They already have. They already are. They wil forever.
So FOOTOO will never go to D.C. or New York to face charges and trials for his evil misdeeds, his treasoning and his traitoring or his insurrectioning or his LYING. Ron De Sa... moreSo FOOTOO will never go to D.C. or New York to face charges and trials for his evil misdeeds, his treasoning and his traitoring or his insurrectioning or his LYING. Ron De Satan will assume the Florida Governship for LIFE until FOOTOO dies. Perfect isn't it?
They can brag on being the first pollitical party to be "headed" by females while having complete authority to pull all the strings and make the "girls" do whatever they want them ... moreThey can brag on being the first pollitical party to be "headed" by females while having complete authority to pull all the strings and make the "girls" do whatever they want them to do. Best of both worlds.You read it here first.
Allegedly his NEGATIVE numbers were 15 points higher than his positives. Internal polling of those who voted for him.That's a fine kettle of fish isn't it?But it is what it is and ... moreAllegedly his NEGATIVE numbers were 15 points higher than his positives. Internal polling of those who voted for him.That's a fine kettle of fish isn't it?But it is what it is and he is that. Sensitive delicate bruisable flower who must be lied to 24/7 or he cannot survive. He must be coddled and packed in cotton else he will be damaged and broken.No change.