Whaddabout what YOU do to others? Do you try to edit their thinking and attack what they say and try to make it service you? Do you bend prezetilze shade spin or LIE just to ... moreWhaddabout what YOU do to others? Do you try to edit their thinking and attack what they say and try to make it service you? Do you bend prezetilze shade spin or LIE just to effect your desired end?Why do you? You have a right to your opinion but you have NO RIGHT to edit mine in any way. Though you keep trying it is a fool's errand and tiresome and dull and predictable.The scriptreaders the teleprompter readers. How ALIVE are they if all they do is robot their way through each day mouthing words programmed by others? All alike. No difference. Sameoldsameoldsameold.A life?. less
The world number one had a bandage around her thigh. She won the first set 6-4. She retired in the second set ahead 2-1.So Coco Gauff, an American teenager, advances. I'm sure she'... moreThe world number one had a bandage around her thigh. She won the first set 6-4. She retired in the second set ahead 2-1.So Coco Gauff, an American teenager, advances. I'm sure she'll take it but I'm surer that she would have much preferred playing the entire match and beating Ash Barty fair and square. Now THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN A HUGE UPSET!It happens. That's how youngsters sometimes advance and try to make the most of it. But it's not anything any professional tennis player prays for or hopes for. I think Tennis Players and Golfers are probably the most honorable sportsfolks. I have no proof. It's just a gut feeling.What about you? Would you like a WIN over a world number one any way you could get it including injury to that player? less
FOOTOOHEADS HATE PALESTINIANS as much as they hate anti-FOOTOOS and probably more than the NAZIS hated Jews. More than? Sure. More than.So you see the more things change the more t... moreFOOTOOHEADS HATE PALESTINIANS as much as they hate anti-FOOTOOS and probably more than the NAZIS hated Jews. More than? Sure. More than.So you see the more things change the more they stay same only they get biggerer and bettererer.Aren't you proud you're on the RIGHT side? Of course you are.
The tail llure dame spends her days stalking and tracking and YELLING and SCREAMING and SHOUTING at her targets. She has nothing else to do but draw attention and spectacle herself... moreThe tail llure dame spends her days stalking and tracking and YELLING and SCREAMING and SHOUTING at her targets. She has nothing else to do but draw attention and spectacle herself believing full well there will be a place at the FOOTOO table for her.Well m'dear frankly do you give a dam*? D'ya give the tail lure nitwit nutjob crackpot dame kudos? Wanna vote for her and put YOUR future and that of your kids in her hands? Well RIP if ya do.
Think they've lawyered up and hope to he** their wives/mates don't find out how sick they are to bed underage and pay for it and SHARE the sex object with how many others?I dunno. ... moreThink they've lawyered up and hope to he** their wives/mates don't find out how sick they are to bed underage and pay for it and SHARE the sex object with how many others?I dunno. Maybe they had no others to "outlet" them and that's why they had to pay for it?We will find out.
An SNL spoof suggests you put them over your eyes! There's a thought for ya. Of course so many have been wearing blinders since TOOFOO...err FOOTOO hit town they probably already h... moreAn SNL spoof suggests you put them over your eyes! There's a thought for ya. Of course so many have been wearing blinders since TOOFOO...err FOOTOO hit town they probably already have tons of them.See no evil anyone?
What happens when the tigers mature and it's MATING TIME?There are 5000 captive tigers in the US. It's legal in some states and illegal in some states. 3900 of them are on the loos... moreWhat happens when the tigers mature and it's MATING TIME?There are 5000 captive tigers in the US. It's legal in some states and illegal in some states. 3900 of them are on the loose.ALLEGEDLY.Another fine mess! Who are these people who do these things without every once THINKING THEM THROUGH TO THEIR ULTIMATE ENDS?
Of course the fly in that ointment....how will folks know if you are lying or truth telling if/when you tell them you already have been vaccinated?Or what if you're already two she... moreOf course the fly in that ointment....how will folks know if you are lying or truth telling if/when you tell them you already have been vaccinated?Or what if you're already two sheets to the wind and tell them to "go head" stick me and you already were stuck elsewhere before? Do you get sick?
it is titled "Devotions upon Emergent Conditions" and was about isolationism and meism"Any man's death diminishes me because I am involved in mankind therefore never send to know F... moreit is titled "Devotions upon Emergent Conditions" and was about isolationism and meism"Any man's death diminishes me because I am involved in mankind therefore never send to know FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS....it tolls for thee."And yet here we are as far away from that as is possible.Our today world politically is all about me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me.A homo sap ran on that lives that and will die that and millions adoringly worship him. Isolationsm. Meism. Destroy "the other". Me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me.A fine kettle of fish. The more "me" and less "thee" the more popularity afixes to THE BIG LIE he. Go figger!Self interest self love selfish. It sells big in Peoria and with all the FOOTOHEADS. They can't get enough of THE BIG LIE liar and his me me me me me me me me me me me me me. I WUZ ROBBED I WUZ ROBBED I ME ME WUZ ROBBED I WUZ ROBBEDYes they are dullards sycophants and parasites. But they are so overjoyed and thrilled and happy at who/what they be. less
What about Palestinians who built homes on the WEST BANK that the Israelis continue to target attack destroy?Is the death of an Israeli child more tragic than the death of a Palest... moreWhat about Palestinians who built homes on the WEST BANK that the Israelis continue to target attack destroy?Is the death of an Israeli child more tragic than the death of a Palestinian child?It would seem so. Anything Israeli is of value. Anything Palestinian is dreck. Right? That's the party line everybody swallows whole.So be it.
How did she become that? A hoor who was living the good life being paid to submit her body to a variety of men to use as they wish but was taken all over the world and wined and di... moreHow did she become that? A hoor who was living the good life being paid to submit her body to a variety of men to use as they wish but was taken all over the world and wined and dined and gifted with whatever gifts hoors get?Her parents? Was her mom a hoor too? At what age did she become one? Was that the only thing she had that was sellable? Her body? No goals to become anything other than a high-priced hoor?How sad is that? Was she sexually abused/molested and figgered out that she had something men wanted and so she'd sell that?Be all that you can be. That's all she could be?What kind of life lies ahead of her? What kind of man would knowingly marry a hoor?No I'm not saying that only virgins get married. But selling your body to earn your way through life? Who wants THAT for a wife and mother to his children?I guess that's the "high life". To which only lowlifes are attracted.I did read once upon a time about a brilliant girl who paid her way through college by stripping. I suppose some hoors have brain... less
Their desperation deepens daily. Who/what is in the news for FOOTOOHEADS? All good things right?They got a tail lure dame who was stripped of all committees and is a gnat attacking... moreTheir desperation deepens daily. Who/what is in the news for FOOTOOHEADS? All good things right?They got a tail lure dame who was stripped of all committees and is a gnat attacking Dems. She has nothing else to do but follow them around insulting attacking goading. That's a good little tail lure girl.Then ya got the step on her neck dame who replaced one of the only TRUTHTELLERS in FOOTOOLAND, Liz Cheney.Then ya matt gaetz...being charged soon with paying for sex with a minor and transporting over state lines and passing her around to others like a box of cigars. She is going to testify but asked for immunity. I think she will get it. She has a lot to tell them.Then ya got moscow mitch who says his 100% focus is on STOPPING JOE from doing anything.Then ya got FOOTOO his own self. Sez he will do two June Rallies and one on July 4 to kick off his 2024 prez campaign! He will do a bazillion or cazillion I WUZ ROBBED rallies. His audience will LOVE the he** outta him as he repeats repeats repeats repeats repeats repe... less