Or a desperate political strategy that is working working working as it is murdering killing maiming Palestianians.Oh what the he** what does it matter right? Who cares?
Bernie Sanders who is JEWISH says the same thing.Geez ya think maybe he is anti Jewish and pro Palestine or do you think he is a good guy who doesn't and tells it like he sees it?Y... moreBernie Sanders who is JEWISH says the same thing.Geez ya think maybe he is anti Jewish and pro Palestine or do you think he is a good guy who doesn't and tells it like he sees it?You decide. I already did. Good luck
Now you do. Stop the $300/a week "handout" to them so they up off their lazy a**es and go to work so they can be taxed more bigly.Don't a cent of the obscenely wealthy. Don't chang... moreNow you do. Stop the $300/a week "handout" to them so they up off their lazy a**es and go to work so they can be taxed more bigly.Don't a cent of the obscenely wealthy. Don't change a hair for them. Not if you care for them. Stay littl dipsh** stay.Sheesh! What a bunch of idiots. Tax the poor so you can lay off the wealthy. WHY not? What could it hurt?
Attacked the building in which they all were housed.Suspicious?Why?Well allegedly all the bad guys were in a basement there somewhere and THEY were the target. Funny thing is none ... moreAttacked the building in which they all were housed.Suspicious?Why?Well allegedly all the bad guys were in a basement there somewhere and THEY were the target. Funny thing is none were found.
THE FIRE NEXT TIME? Remember Sodom and Gomorrah?Sex and debauchery and despicable disgusting ruled them.Well same is true here and now PLUS WHICH we have the hate groups headed by ... moreTHE FIRE NEXT TIME? Remember Sodom and Gomorrah?Sex and debauchery and despicable disgusting ruled them.Well same is true here and now PLUS WHICH we have the hate groups headed by a FOOTOO on top and running things. Surrounded by adoring worshipful FOOTOOHEADS. Soon now. Any day now. Ready to "meet your MAKER"?Ready set go.
If not they they are all mini Satans doing evil 24/7 wherever they happen to be. They taint and harm and infect wherever they go spreading the great hate which is what FOOTOO has a... moreIf not they they are all mini Satans doing evil 24/7 wherever they happen to be. They taint and harm and infect wherever they go spreading the great hate which is what FOOTOO has always stood for and examplifies.I don't know which is worse. Blaming all of the evil on SATAN or admitting each one of them embodies satanic evil and cannot lay if off on anyone or anything.BAD SEEDS.DEFECTIVE DNA.The hand of GOD? I don't think so. I hope not. If the hand of GOD is involved then I have been duped about HIS nature and intent my entire life. I speak for no one but me. You're on your own. less
I'd ask"FOOTOO told us 'I am the chosen one'. Is that true GOD? Is FOOTOO your chosen one? What about JESUS? What is HE? Chopped liver?"Evangelicals told us that GOD appointed FOOT... moreI'd ask"FOOTOO told us 'I am the chosen one'. Is that true GOD? Is FOOTOO your chosen one? What about JESUS? What is HE? Chopped liver?"Evangelicals told us that GOD appointed FOOTOO to salvation them. Did you actually do that GOD?" Is salvation possible through a selfish 3rd rate lying corrupt hasbeen?After FOOTOO got rid of peaceful protesters by ordering his hit men to use rubber bullets, tasers and tear gas so he could do a photo op in front of a church HOLDING UP A BIBLE were YOU pleased with him for doing that or did YOU want to smack him upside the head for the disgrace he brings upon YOU when he desecrates denigreates every symbol of Christian religion, GOD(YOU) and JESUS too?Do YOU believe THE BIG LIE? Do YOU favor those who promulgate it 24/7? less
Salvation them of course.SoWe have JESUS whom GOD refers to as HIS SON saying I AM THE TRUTH THE WAY AND THE LIFEWe have GOD telling us to have no other GODS before HIMWe know the ... moreSalvation them of course.SoWe have JESUS whom GOD refers to as HIS SON saying I AM THE TRUTH THE WAY AND THE LIFEWe have GOD telling us to have no other GODS before HIMWe know the BIBLE FORBIDS idolatry which transfers worhsipping GOD to worshipping "the other"Clearly either the BIBLE lies or the Evangelicals are nutjob crackpots.ALL OF THE ABOVE CANNOT POSSIBLY ALL BE TRUEYet you have EVangelicals talking out of both sides of mouths unaware of the contradiction and blasphemy in which they are engaged 24/7.Go figger. less
"I AM THE CHOSEN ONE"Evangelicals say FOOTOO was appointed by GOD to insure their salvationHere's the problem with thatJesus says I AM THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFEGOD says THOU S... more"I AM THE CHOSEN ONE"Evangelicals say FOOTOO was appointed by GOD to insure their salvationHere's the problem with thatJesus says I AM THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFEGOD says THOU SHALT HAVE NO OTHER GODS BEFORE MEIDOLATRY is forbidden.I have heard nothing directly from GOD that mentions FOOTOO. Have you?Nor has Jesus come out on FOOTOO'S behalf to validate his contention that he is the chosen oneI believe Jesus thinks HE IS THE CHOSEN ONE.
They have all been beguiled/tricked/conned/scammed by Satan but are too dull intellectually to be aware of it.Satan is a trickster. Wearing different guises he will overtake you an... moreThey have all been beguiled/tricked/conned/scammed by Satan but are too dull intellectually to be aware of it.Satan is a trickster. Wearing different guises he will overtake you and convince you that he is the real deal..your only path to "salvation". He pulls them in by the millions...droves of them all believing in him. He is very good at what he does but he knows what to target and sticks to it.
Whether by brainwashing, hyponotism or lobotomized surgery. The lives they live they were programmed to believe in with no ability to think apart from or outside the programming.Co... moreWhether by brainwashing, hyponotism or lobotomized surgery. The lives they live they were programmed to believe in with no ability to think apart from or outside the programming.Computers perform as they are programmed BY OTHERS to perform. Independent of programming they just sit there empty shells of nuts and bolts and wires.Do computers KNOW what they are? Are they self-aware in any sense at all?
VIOLENT DOMESTIC TERRORISTS that threaten the very life of a country to service a nutjob crackpot wackadoodlenoodle? SERIOUSLY? THE BIG LIE creator who spends each day telling you ... moreVIOLENT DOMESTIC TERRORISTS that threaten the very life of a country to service a nutjob crackpot wackadoodlenoodle? SERIOUSLY? THE BIG LIE creator who spends each day telling you I WUZ ROBBED I WUZ ROBBED I WUZ ROBBED. This is a full life devoted to great things? Delusional. Alternate Realty.Wasted.Wasted.Wasted.