I'd guess hundreds as a minimum and thousands as the possibles. More than 100,000? Could be. I do not know.But it all began in ORGANIZED fashion by the KKK. Other groups OWE them v... moreI'd guess hundreds as a minimum and thousands as the possibles. More than 100,000? Could be. I do not know.But it all began in ORGANIZED fashion by the KKK. Other groups OWE them very bigly for the inspiration, template, yardstick, examples costumes and execution over the years.I don't know if any other country can touch the track record of America in that regard. Nor would they want to I expect.
Gnadenhutten, Ohio...part of an Indian Reserve.Following are hundreds of domestic terrorist acts. June 1, 1921 in Tulsa in the BLACK WALL STREET area. 150-300 dead...800 injured. S... moreGnadenhutten, Ohio...part of an Indian Reserve.Following are hundreds of domestic terrorist acts. June 1, 1921 in Tulsa in the BLACK WALL STREET area. 150-300 dead...800 injured. Skin color coupled with financial success is what triggered the whites to attackApril 19, 1995 Oklahoma City truck bombing. 168 dead, 680+ injured. Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building. by Tim McVeighSubsequently hundreds more up to and including through today. White supremacist racist domestic terrorists are simply carrying on the fine and hallowed tradition upon which America was founded.Does your country have such a fine backstory? less
I've experienced that a lot. Most recently quite by accident I saw a 1935 movie, ROBERTA, starring Irene Dunne. She sand in the move quite beautifully and I wanted to know if... moreI've experienced that a lot. Most recently quite by accident I saw a 1935 movie, ROBERTA, starring Irene Dunne. She sand in the move quite beautifully and I wanted to know if it was in fact HER voice.It was. I don't know if she ever made any other movies in which she sang but that was a first for me.It was a nice surprise.What if anything nicely surprised you recently?
I can't even bend over and touch my toes!What do you miss PHYSICALLY about your childhood? What could you use to do that would probably kill you or cripple you or harm you now if you tried?
Is it possible there are some "childish" things you hold onto and always will?For me it is a love of unicorns, rainbows and angels. I know. How childish is that?It is also learning... moreIs it possible there are some "childish" things you hold onto and always will?For me it is a love of unicorns, rainbows and angels. I know. How childish is that?It is also learning new things every day. Some folks never liked school and were delighted to leave that part of their lives behind. I never did. I never will. I never can.If you've held on to any childish things are you embarrassed to let others know? Is that you quiet secret? Or is there nothing remotely childish or child like about you? Every bit of you is an adult. If so are you happier now as an adult than you were as a child? less
Naw. Not true. I'd like to be a brilliant genius quantum physicist. Chances of that are laughable Nothing I do can effect that. WHY? I am not smart enough. SIGH.So achieving that g... moreNaw. Not true. I'd like to be a brilliant genius quantum physicist. Chances of that are laughable Nothing I do can effect that. WHY? I am not smart enough. SIGH.So achieving that goal is out of my reach. But what is in my reach? Being truthful honorable loyal faithful kind caring.Am I all those things? No. Would I like to be and do I try to be? Mostly yes. A work in progress. I think all homo saps should be that at the very least. It means they haven't stopped growing or trying.But some folks believe they are already the best they will ever be and so they focus on other thngs beside becoming a "better" human being. What's wrong with that? Being content with being the person you are? less
The people with the most narrow and few passions and interests seem to be drawn to huge gahterings of others just like them. The narrower their interests the more passion they exhi... moreThe people with the most narrow and few passions and interests seem to be drawn to huge gahterings of others just like them. The narrower their interests the more passion they exhibit. Few passions, huge arenas.Whereas those with unlimited interests in all kinds of thing seem to prefer solitude and quiet and calm. The better place to think their thoughts and imagine their WHAT IFS?Not hermits by any means but drawn to seclusion at times just to be.I think those with very narrow and specific interests do not care to expand beyond that and so they are very good at what they immerse themselves in. Also with fewer things to clog their thoughts they can focus more on the most important thing to them. Whatever it may be.I also think we are born to be exactly what we are and whom we are. We have no choice. So if that be the case how can anyone place blame? People do not ask to be what they are. They simply are what they are.If the could be "other than" or better they would be wouldn't they? less
Why? Perhaps they FEAR going beyond and investigating what there is to be found.Perhaps they are incurious and content with whom they are and what they arePerhaps they don't have t... moreWhy? Perhaps they FEAR going beyond and investigating what there is to be found.Perhaps they are incurious and content with whom they are and what they arePerhaps they don't have the intellectual wherewithall to go beyond the nowI wonder though. How does limiting the size of one's interests benefit anyone?