Suicide. We die by our own hand. That is always a tragedy. The why is a variable.Children who bully or are bullied have the highest risk of committing suicdeIn some countries like ... moreSuicide. We die by our own hand. That is always a tragedy. The why is a variable.Children who bully or are bullied have the highest risk of committing suicdeIn some countries like South Korea traditonally children would care for their aging parents but in the 21st century this is no longer a given so some simply commit suicide.A list of whys.Mental illnessTraumatic stressSubstance use and impulsivityLoss or fear of lossHopelessnessChronic pair or illnessFeeling you are a burden to othersSocial IsolationA cry for helpAccidental SuicideVarious methods are used. Use of firearms is most prevalent followed by suffocation (hanging) and poisoning.Military vets. Old People. Children. No segment of a population is safe from it.The question is what can we do about it? What should we do about it? If we are our brothers' keeper are we not obliged to help?On the one hand it is our lives after all and what we do with them is up to us including cutting them short. On the other hand "are we our brothers' keepers?" No skin of my... less
That FOOTOO thing is exactly what all FOOTOOHEADS are selling you now.It was no different than a regular tourist visit."I never felt threatened but I would have had it been Black L... moreThat FOOTOO thing is exactly what all FOOTOOHEADS are selling you now.It was no different than a regular tourist visit."I never felt threatened but I would have had it been Black Lives Matter folks"The ones who visited are the victims who are being maligned. There was NEVER A THREAT TO ANYONE.Buy any of it? Selling any of it? Buy or sell what the he**! Right?
Our WHY? We don't trust anyone. We don't know how long the vaccines are effective so those who had them months ago may be less protected now. Some will lie and say they got the vac... moreOur WHY? We don't trust anyone. We don't know how long the vaccines are effective so those who had them months ago may be less protected now. Some will lie and say they got the vaccines when they didn't. We don't KNOW more than we do know which is also true of everyone else too no matter what THEY think so we will for the time being KEEP DOING WHAT HAS WORKED FOR US ALL THESE MONTHS AND KEPT US SAFE AND HEALTHY! YOU?
Either the tail lure or the step on your neck dame is voted speaker.Now we know matt gaetz is in the running too but well by then he may be serving a 20 year jail sentence so can't... moreEither the tail lure or the step on your neck dame is voted speaker.Now we know matt gaetz is in the running too but well by then he may be serving a 20 year jail sentence so can't count on him for anything futurely. His past? We know what that centered upon don't we? A body part.
He said no one questions the results of the election. WHAT?So whassup with this? Anyone have a clue how he can get away with this? I mean the instant he said he shouldda been GONE!... moreHe said no one questions the results of the election. WHAT?So whassup with this? Anyone have a clue how he can get away with this? I mean the instant he said he shouldda been GONE! He is still there. Why?
Now according to the FOOTOOHEADS its a radical socialist agenda.Joe Biden Socialist? Ridiculous.FOOTOO fascist racist insurrectionist treasonous traitor? RIGHT ON!Partial true is b... moreNow according to the FOOTOOHEADS its a radical socialist agenda.Joe Biden Socialist? Ridiculous.FOOTOO fascist racist insurrectionist treasonous traitor? RIGHT ON!Partial true is better than no true. 50% better than zero.
WHOPPERS ooze from every orifice...not just the mouth. But the eyes ears nose skin hair teeth and surrounding environs. You can't eat so many and have them just evaporate.So the mo... moreWHOPPERS ooze from every orifice...not just the mouth. But the eyes ears nose skin hair teeth and surrounding environs. You can't eat so many and have them just evaporate.So the more he eats the more he repeats repeats repeats repeatsWJOPPER Something uncommonly large of its kindA BIG LIEThe Whopper tells WHOPPERS. You have a problem with it?