Maybe literally but certainly figuratively.It's good to reach for the stars but very bad to leave your moorings when you do.What do you hold onto when you do?
Figuratively of course. But some wimpy shrimps take on "foes" way outside their weight class or intellect and have no clue they are going to show us what fools they are.I wonder wh... moreFiguratively of course. But some wimpy shrimps take on "foes" way outside their weight class or intellect and have no clue they are going to show us what fools they are.I wonder why they are so unaware?. A gnat versus a bodybuilder? An imbecile versus a genius? That's entertainment these days. At least no one dies from words slung at press conferences. Right? The fool makes a spectacle of him/herself as usual but no blood is drawn.
You betcha. The poor are deadbeat cheapskate lazy bums. They won't work if they can get a handout from the gubment. So make sure you never pay them unemployment or a living wage or... moreYou betcha. The poor are deadbeat cheapskate lazy bums. They won't work if they can get a handout from the gubment. So make sure you never pay them unemployment or a living wage or they just take advantage of it and stay at home eating bonbons and living the good life. RIGHT?
The $4 MILLION he received as "COVID" aid.What a schmuck. Whatta putz.He does have good taste though. I'm a LAMBO gal since forever. Are you too? Attended an auto show once that fe... moreThe $4 MILLION he received as "COVID" aid.What a schmuck. Whatta putz.He does have good taste though. I'm a LAMBO gal since forever. Are you too? Attended an auto show once that featured a lot of Lambos over the years. EAch was gorgeouser than the other. The Lambo is and will always be my cuppa tea. The guy who stole $4 million? Not so much but ya gotta give the devil his due. At least he didn't buy an Edsel.
She has nothing to do having been stripped of all committees. All she does besides vote is harrass and hassale and make an a** of herself. Her current tartet is AOC. Running after ... moreShe has nothing to do having been stripped of all committees. All she does besides vote is harrass and hassale and make an a** of herself. Her current tartet is AOC. Running after her taunting her attacking her insulting her. What else does tail lure have to occupy her time?
THE BIG LIE has legs. That means it keeps on keeping on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on. It has life of its ownand keeping ticking and ticking and ticking and tick... moreTHE BIG LIE has legs. That means it keeps on keeping on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on. It has life of its ownand keeping ticking and ticking and ticking and ticking.So are you overjoyed that THE BIG LIE is still running everything in FOOTOOLAND? It has LEGS.
He used "campaign money" to pay the hoor and wrote it off as "campaign expense". Which means he used YOUR contributions to screw an underage hooker, snort cocaine with her and pay ... moreHe used "campaign money" to pay the hoor and wrote it off as "campaign expense". Which means he used YOUR contributions to screw an underage hooker, snort cocaine with her and pay for all of it.What a nifty thing to know isn't it? What your contributions pay for? Well multiply that by everyone you ever contributed to in FOOTOOLAND republican and figger it out. Lots of dough paid to folks who itto screw, cocaine and frolic. Perfect.