William Cohen writing in Vanity Fair has coined that. TRUMP STINK. Like SKUNK STINK only way worse.As for the withdrawers who are being hammered isn't too little too late? Seriousl... moreWilliam Cohen writing in Vanity Fair has coined that. TRUMP STINK. Like SKUNK STINK only way worse.As for the withdrawers who are being hammered isn't too little too late? Seriously. The time to have done this was his first year when he showed us what he is and what his intentions were and each year he doubled down until now he has been kicked out of town.They had their chance when it mattered. Let them sink in their own swamp. Who cares?
THREE TATS ON THE FACELEFT CHEEK Confederate FlagRIGHT CHEEK SwastikaFOREHEAD &... moreTHREE TATS ON THE FACELEFT CHEEK Confederate FlagRIGHT CHEEK SwastikaFOREHEAD MAGA with a TAT of the TRAITOR DON mug/face inside the GNow isn't that a heckuva nifty idea? Better than a Mason's secret handshake.Everyone who is anyone will do it very gladly.
Eric Munchel the ZIP TIES guy who was arrested for his INSURRECTIONIST doings has a mom named Lisa Marie Eisenhart. Guess what? Dear old mom was ARRESTED TOO. Now that is a family ... moreEric Munchel the ZIP TIES guy who was arrested for his INSURRECTIONIST doings has a mom named Lisa Marie Eisenhart. Guess what? Dear old mom was ARRESTED TOO. Now that is a family to die for isn't it?
You are fortunate to be adopted by a loving couple who are people of color and definitely not racist of any color.So who are you and what will you be futurely? A product of your DN... moreYou are fortunate to be adopted by a loving couple who are people of color and definitely not racist of any color.So who are you and what will you be futurely? A product of your DNA or of your environment?
Ever hear of LUCA? LAST UNIVERSAL COMMON ANCESTOR. All living things are in fact descended from it.Date? On or about 3.9 BILLION years ago give or takeI expect even the dimmest and... moreEver hear of LUCA? LAST UNIVERSAL COMMON ANCESTOR. All living things are in fact descended from it.Date? On or about 3.9 BILLION years ago give or takeI expect even the dimmest and dumbest know what that means. WE ARE ALL RELATED! OH NO! YES SO. OH NO. YES SO. OH NO OH NO OH NO. YES SO YES SO YES SO.And so it goes. I mean do you LOVE all your relatives?Bet you didn't know you had so many didja?
The two earliest evidences of homo sap ancestors as follows.3.7 BILLION years old metasedimantary rocks found in GREENLANDandwait for itMicrobial mat fossiles in 3.48 BILLION year ... moreThe two earliest evidences of homo sap ancestors as follows.3.7 BILLION years old metasedimantary rocks found in GREENLANDandwait for itMicrobial mat fossiles in 3.48 BILLION year old sandstone discovered in western AUSTRALIA.ALL CURRENT LIVING ORGANISMS ON EARTH SHARE A COMMON GENETIC HERITAGE.
The rudyg sez he is working on impeachment defense for TRAITOR DON.Sex TRAITOR DON did not incidte violence because the unsubstnatiated claims of voter fraud are true...despite the... moreThe rudyg sez he is working on impeachment defense for TRAITOR DON.Sex TRAITOR DON did not incidte violence because the unsubstnatiated claims of voter fraud are true...despite the 60 plus lawsuits thrown out of court (republican judges too) for lack of evidence.So we see sameoldsameoldsameolsameold.The old dogs keep gnawing on the same old dry bone.Why? Because it's all they got and they gotta,
If you are born in the neighborhood where alternate reality relusion are embraced and truth is shunned it will be harder to move to the neighborhood of TRUTH and leave behind the b... moreIf you are born in the neighborhood where alternate reality relusion are embraced and truth is shunned it will be harder to move to the neighborhood of TRUTH and leave behind the birthplace environment. Harder but not impossible, right?