Every single one of his adoring worshippers MUST BUY it. No exceptions. All money goes into a demented duck bank account. It must be carried with them wherever they go and they wil... moreEvery single one of his adoring worshippers MUST BUY it. No exceptions. All money goes into a demented duck bank account. It must be carried with them wherever they go and they will be given "a certain period of time" to memorize the contents and thereafter they must be ready at any time to quote any line the demented duck commands. There will be punishment for those who fail. I am not privy to it.Easy peasy breezy.
Being boiled in oil for eternityorRoasting on a spit inside a huge fire for eternityOf course we could alternate between the two. Being as how it would be HE** there would be no bo... moreBeing boiled in oil for eternityorRoasting on a spit inside a huge fire for eternityOf course we could alternate between the two. Being as how it would be HE** there would be no boiling away to nothing of the flesh or and burning up into ashes. The bodies would remain intact exactly the same...boiling in oil forever or roasting inside an enormous bonfire on a spit?If you had to choose which would you choose and why? Painwise of course
Why didn't the Founding Fathers think to cover that?You need to be breathing, 35 and a "natural-born" homo sap.You can be a crackpot wackadoodlenoodle MURDERER or PSYCOPATH or trai... moreWhy didn't the Founding Fathers think to cover that?You need to be breathing, 35 and a "natural-born" homo sap.You can be a crackpot wackadoodlenoodle MURDERER or PSYCOPATH or traitor working for a foreign enemy and you can still be president.I think there is something very bigly wrong with that.
Do you think New Yorkers despise the duck more than Pennsylvanians despise Joe Biden?Which of them is HATED more by their home state folks? Why is that d'ya think?
Not at all. All despot dictators and despot dictators wannabes RULE by HERD MENTALITY.Anyone gets out of line? Off with their heads. Poison them. Gun shot kill them. Knive them. Ge... moreNot at all. All despot dictators and despot dictators wannabes RULE by HERD MENTALITY.Anyone gets out of line? Off with their heads. Poison them. Gun shot kill them. Knive them. Get rid of them.That's the name of that tune.Herd Mentality is how those with no talent or knowledge or morality or integrity or vision or goodness rule.They have no other schtick they can use but intimidation threats retaliation revenge sabotage undermining treasoning and traitoring. In that they are all alike in the dark and you cannot differentiate among them. The thugs the mobs the throngs the mystery meat weaponized enforcers. All alike. Nothing unique or special or useful or of value.HERD MENTALITY. Well if you are part of the herd you think it's the only way to fly. If you aren't you wonder how these extremely sappy homos function 24/7. Being remotely operated by the HERD MENTALITY MASTER MENTOR. less
Donald the Duck is a HERD HEAD. They all think alike speak alike act alike look alike according the head herdmaster...the duck.No one dare criticize or think independent of the HER... moreDonald the Duck is a HERD HEAD. They all think alike speak alike act alike look alike according the head herdmaster...the duck.No one dare criticize or think independent of the HERD HEARD.You heard the HERD HEAD say something truthful and you were so unnerved by it you thought he screwed up wordwise again. He does that a lot. Shumbles stumbles mumbles. NOT THIS TIME. HE MEANT WHAT HE SAID. HERD MENTALITY.Why you did not understand that I have no idea.
The weeny judge has a very annoying voice. She could be a dummy with someone doing the voiceover.The ingrate voice is a voice that is always sternWhat happened to ann coulter? What... moreThe weeny judge has a very annoying voice. She could be a dummy with someone doing the voiceover.The ingrate voice is a voice that is always sternWhat happened to ann coulter? What did she do to alienate donald duck?There was kellyanne but she has gone the way of the wind and will not be heard from any more. She sez.The other dingbat dames come and go and talk and shout and pound and cheer but they don't last at all. Well maybe one or two here or there everywhere nowhere somewhere anywhere.Which GOP dame do YOU favor to be a SCOTUS justice? Why? less
Would they flinch an inch or just adore her because their "CHOSEN ONE" chose her? Would they GOOGLE her past to see her various stages of undress in her heyday? I think there is no... moreWould they flinch an inch or just adore her because their "CHOSEN ONE" chose her? Would they GOOGLE her past to see her various stages of undress in her heyday? I think there is no line of awful that Donald the Duck can across that will cause any one of his adoring worshippers o abandon him. HE OWNS THEM. GOD doesn't have a chance. Moscow mitch that son of an itch will bulldoze the confirmation so maybe this week we can be locked and loaded with the porn star Justice? What flavor do you prefer? Bottle blonde or wigged? A skinny Twiggy or a Zaftig Voluptuous Rubens dame? less
Because more and more I am running into "coincidences" that are amazing. Are they meaningful? I don't know but they are enough to make me wonder about it.I've shared some here. Wei... moreBecause more and more I am running into "coincidences" that are amazing. Are they meaningful? I don't know but they are enough to make me wonder about it.I've shared some here. Weird "coincidences".Here's the newest one that amazes me.My beloved and deceased sister-in-law a few decades ago took an Alaskan Cruise with her husband. They lived in Sun Valley, Nevada a suburb of Reno. It was called the "INSIDE PASSAGE" cruise and she gave me a fridge magnate showing all the cities they visited on a fridge magnate map. It's been on my fridge ever since.Just now a close Mug friend mentioned to me about a cruise she took to Alaska a few decades ago. She lives in New York. Guess what cruise it was? The Alaska INSIDE PASSAGE cruise. Now I think that is a remarkable "coincidence" but I wonder if it could have been the same cruise and maybe they might have even met? What are the odds?Also for years I watched "BONANZA" which always showed a map that included Carson City, Nevada. My sister and brother-in-law moved to Carson C... less
The senses of TASTE ad SMELL are directly related because they both use the same types of RECEPTORS.If one's sense of SMELL is not functional then the sense of taste will also not ... moreThe senses of TASTE ad SMELL are directly related because they both use the same types of RECEPTORS.If one's sense of SMELL is not functional then the sense of taste will also not function because of the relationship of the receptors.So someone who always stinks of too much perfume cologne or aftershave will make food that is inedible or tend to. Highly spiced because they can't taste it otherwise.NOT ALWAYS but often. They overcompensate for what they lack but often don't have a clue.