The pumpkina** is a friggin' GENIUS. A one man machine. A one act wonder. A one horse town. A one joke comendian. A one level human being. A one shot hot shot hipshot bigshot. A on... moreThe pumpkina** is a friggin' GENIUS. A one man machine. A one act wonder. A one horse town. A one joke comendian. A one level human being. A one shot hot shot hipshot bigshot. A one man band. A one trick pony.
To assemble for purposes of peaceful protest and to address your grievances to the gubment.NEITHER DO YOU TOO. DO YOU?So now we are being very selective in which CONSTITUTIONAL rig... moreTo assemble for purposes of peaceful protest and to address your grievances to the gubment.NEITHER DO YOU TOO. DO YOU?So now we are being very selective in which CONSTITUTIONAL rights we trample on and which we pray to and uphold.I see. You are no better than pumpkina**. You are just like him. I give up on you. I have lost all faith in you all hope for you and I have no need of you at all. You are a waste of time. I leave you to your fate. Enjoy.
"TRUMP ORDERS AUTHORITIES TO DOMINATE AMERICAN CITIZENS EXERCISING THEIR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO PROTEST"What happened to you? Where did you go and why are you in hiding? Have you ... more"TRUMP ORDERS AUTHORITIES TO DOMINATE AMERICAN CITIZENS EXERCISING THEIR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO PROTEST"What happened to you? Where did you go and why are you in hiding? Have you no decency? No ounce of PATRIOTISM there anywhere?You will fight to the DEATH for your constitutionright to own weapons that will killBut you applaud pumpkina** for daring to massacre the constitutional right to assembly in peaceful protest to ADDRESS GRIEVANCES?Y'all are so low I can no longer see you. May GOD have mercy on your soul for I have none at all for you. Where did you start and what have you become? less
In the era of pumpkina** who self-describes as wise and extremely stable does a professor ever guide anyone in any kind of comprehension of THAT? That is something you... moreIn the era of pumpkina** who self-describes as wise and extremely stable does a professor ever guide anyone in any kind of comprehension of THAT? That is something you SWALLOW WHOLE or not at all because to masticate and digest would surely kill the masticater.I am a WISE and extremely STABLE GENIUS.I am a WISE and extremely STABLE GENIUSI am a WISE and extremely STABLE GENIUSThat is a self-description by pumpkina** himself. Do you concur or disconcur? Are you a fan or a disfan of his?
The school his 14 year old son Barron attends, St. Andrews Episcopal school in Maryland, WILL NOT FULLY OPEN in the fall. Despite the pumpkina** demands.He will revenge retaliate. ... moreThe school his 14 year old son Barron attends, St. Andrews Episcopal school in Maryland, WILL NOT FULLY OPEN in the fall. Despite the pumpkina** demands.He will revenge retaliate. How best to wreak damage/chaos on the disobedient? Will he send in his mystery meat thugs to bomb the school..blow it up..or just to teargas baton beat and rubbet bullet the people who run the school?
He seems to have CONFLATED IT with an intelligence test. He did not comprehend or seemed not to understand the difference.You can have an IQ of 100 (AVERAGE) and ace a test for sen... moreHe seems to have CONFLATED IT with an intelligence test. He did not comprehend or seemed not to understand the difference.You can have an IQ of 100 (AVERAGE) and ace a test for senility.So how smart is pumpkina** if he doesn't realize that?How smart is he to keep obsessing on how he did?How intelligent is it to repeatedly keep regurgitating the same meal over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again?There is nothing else on his "mind" but THAT? Pathetic? Obsessed? Limited?