Now that the WORLD microscope is on THEM SPECIFICALLY to see if they will FINALLY DO THE RIGHT THING they may be forced to agree to a flick of the wrist..maybe even a slap. Dems wa... moreNow that the WORLD microscope is on THEM SPECIFICALLY to see if they will FINALLY DO THE RIGHT THING they may be forced to agree to a flick of the wrist..maybe even a slap. Dems wants to handcuff the cops perps but Republicans want to hold their hands and sing Kumbayah. Aw. Awe..
Kudos to the diehards who demanded their voices be heard. Kudos to you and and much good bad on the powers that be that purposely tried to cheat you out of voting. A pox on their h... moreKudos to the diehards who demanded their voices be heard. Kudos to you and and much good bad on the powers that be that purposely tried to cheat you out of voting. A pox on their houses...they are all louses! Or are they all lice?
Nothing about the RIGHTS OF AMERICAN CITIZENS TO ENGAGE IN PEACEFUL PROTEST. NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING.Typical. Standard. Usual. Tertiary. Secondary. Miss the point entirely.... moreNothing about the RIGHTS OF AMERICAN CITIZENS TO ENGAGE IN PEACEFUL PROTEST. NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING.Typical. Standard. Usual. Tertiary. Secondary. Miss the point entirely. Typical. Standard Usual. Tertiary. Second. Miss the point completely. SIGH.
He tricked me. Never again. A SOB once is an always SOB. SHAME on he. AN IMPASSIONED DEFENSE OF POLICE IN FRONT OF GEORGE FLOYD's BROTHER? NO I am not kidding.! Couldn't help himse... moreHe tricked me. Never again. A SOB once is an always SOB. SHAME on he. AN IMPASSIONED DEFENSE OF POLICE IN FRONT OF GEORGE FLOYD's BROTHER? NO I am not kidding.! Couldn't help himself. Once an SOB always. one. SHAME ON HIM.
This.The murder of an innocent black man by 4 did the murder..two held down his legs...a 4th was the lookout. Captured by cell phones at every angle. No spin here. No su... moreThis.The murder of an innocent black man by 4 did the murder..two held down his legs...a 4th was the lookout. Captured by cell phones at every angle. No spin here. No subterfuge. No denial. WE ALL WATCHED AND HEARD IT WORLDWIDE. They cannot run. They cannot hide. They are nailed.That is the catalyst for this hearing.Dozens and hundreds and thousands possibly have met similar fates at the hands of the cop generation after generation after generation. DOES IT STOP HERE WITH THIS GROTESQUE TRAGEDY? Were they not ALL GROTESQUE? Yes. But we did not have the goods on them in such excruciating detail. We do now.I'm not certain but I think George Floyd's brother has been invited to be there. To speak? I don't know. less
One jackhole pulled off the mask of a peaceful protester to pepper spray him in the face. Another jackhole knocked down a female who was doing nothing wrong. There are lots of cop ... moreOne jackhole pulled off the mask of a peaceful protester to pepper spray him in the face. Another jackhole knocked down a female who was doing nothing wrong. There are lots of cop jackholes out there apparently and more and more we are seeing more and more of them. Who knew?The good cops of course are also tainted with the stench. How can they not be? If they support the jackholes among them they too are not good cops. Good strives for better. Good does not sit by turn the head and pretend nothing is wrong. Those who do are bad cops too. less
Are any GOP in the House Mormons? How do they justify rationalize what they do? Or are there NONE at all?Is Mitt Romney THE ONLY MORMON REPUBLICAN in gubment including the cabinet ... moreAre any GOP in the House Mormons? How do they justify rationalize what they do? Or are there NONE at all?Is Mitt Romney THE ONLY MORMON REPUBLICAN in gubment including the cabinet and staff in the whte house know now mostly for its hunkered bunker?
Sabortaging rigging cheating undermining. It's all there fair and square and every red state has been engaged in it since 2016 and before. They KNOW the only way they can win anyth... moreSabortaging rigging cheating undermining. It's all there fair and square and every red state has been engaged in it since 2016 and before. They KNOW the only way they can win anything is to rig in their favor. They are desperately panicked and so become every more out there doing doing not doing not doing. This is just the tip. Stay tuned. Red states are on the march headed toward victory by any means possible. SIGH. Nothing new. This is just another dog bites man. Happens constantly all the time. What else is new?It is the LEGIMATE HONORABLE HONEST voters who will be screwed bigly. The illegimates have already been doing dirty work to rig things. Why does that not surprise me?Tumbleweed yells about rigged elections and it is HIS PARTY that is doing the rigging. What's his bit**?He wants it both ways. BLAME the innocent while the guilty service him profit him benefit him. It works so beautifully he has been doing it since before he was born in the womb. One way or another he controls the outcome by rigging the i... less
BECAUSE it's the right that supports the LAWLESS liddlebillybarroycohn and the even more LAWLESS tumbleweed who IGNORES the Constitution and all laws that get in his way.Y'all are ... moreBECAUSE it's the right that supports the LAWLESS liddlebillybarroycohn and the even more LAWLESS tumbleweed who IGNORES the Constitution and all laws that get in his way.Y'all are trying to have it both ways. It ain't working for ya. Try another tack. Or keep it up and see what happens? What could it hurt? Everyone says so. Try it you'll like it but make sure to wear your MAGA hat every time you leave your house and your MAGA shirt and shorts and shoes and purse and backpack and water tobble bottle. Whatever is MAGA WEAR! Display yourself. Be the symbol you LOOK UP TO ADMIRE RESPECT! less
I guess when you chokehold someone you have the power to take his life away. Or hers depending whom the chokeholdee is.Who wants to give up THAT power? It is the ultimate aphrodisi... moreI guess when you chokehold someone you have the power to take his life away. Or hers depending whom the chokeholdee is.Who wants to give up THAT power? It is the ultimate aphrodisiac isn't it? Who wouldn't get off on the thought that tightening the hold can cut off all air and then well the cholkeholdee falls limp dead? I can see that would be a very hard power to relinquish. What else could you use the arm for then? Oh right shooting a gun. That will kill someone. Preferably in the back as he is running away and very preferably someone without any weapon to strengthen the odds of the shooter surviving. Sure. Why not? What could it hurt? Everybody says so. In a "certain" period of time. That I can tell you. less
Per Dr. David Williams, professor at Harvard University.How healthy are you?I suppose it works because you focus on helping others instead of woe is me ing about yourself. I suppos... morePer Dr. David Williams, professor at Harvard University.How healthy are you?I suppose it works because you focus on helping others instead of woe is me ing about yourself. I suppose it works because you engage with others for a common and that cause is "the other" and not me me me me me me me me me me me.Good ta know. Ya know? Good ta know.