What targets will it choose to insult attack? How many will there be simultaneously? Will it outdo itself today and tweet 1000 vile tweets attacking insulting lying and lying and l... moreWhat targets will it choose to insult attack? How many will there be simultaneously? Will it outdo itself today and tweet 1000 vile tweets attacking insulting lying and lying and lying?How many tweets any it tweet in one 24-hour day?
Because it riles up the bloodthirsty dogs who are waiting for his whistle. Anything to keep them occupied and hopeful. Attacking and insulting keeps them interested. Even if it is ... moreBecause it riles up the bloodthirsty dogs who are waiting for his whistle. Anything to keep them occupied and hopeful. Attacking and insulting keeps them interested. Even if it is a woman who had been for 19 yeara and therefore cannot defend herself. As the powers that be and its ilk (I don't say "his" ilk because he is inhuman so the powers that be is an "it" to me now and futurely) get off on the hurt and harm the rest of us feel horror at the degree of cruelty still leaking out of the powers that be...the most powerful IT ever known to humanity.What will IT do/say today to hurt someone? Stay tuned. It should be a doozy. When IT gets irate which is all the time the tweets become fascinating to read recoil at and try not to remember. less
Freedom of speech means you get to lie your fat a** off 24/7 and you won't get shut up or stopped or even punished.Nice ain't it? Doesn't matter whom you hurt with your cruelty lie... moreFreedom of speech means you get to lie your fat a** off 24/7 and you won't get shut up or stopped or even punished.Nice ain't it? Doesn't matter whom you hurt with your cruelty lies vicious vile venal evil tweety bird bweets. YOU ARE ALLOWED TO CONTINUE ON WITH IT. with their blessings. Another win for the bad guys.Where are the heroes that step in and DO THE RIGHT THING? MIA in the USA since the powers that be was installed due to hostile foreign power RIGGING the election. Again it will happen. The RIGGING. THE FIX IS IN AND WAS NEVER OUT.The questeion is will we the people allow to happen again? Screw me once shame on you. Screw me twice shame on me. We know the powers that screws everyone all time. Y'all took a chance on him once.Now you know the devil he is are y'all gonna do it again with your eyes wide open and his track record? Unfrigginbelievable! less
The powers that be throws out the possibility that a beloved wife who has been dead for 19 years with a murder victim. He also hints that the murdered and she had an affair.Says it... moreThe powers that be throws out the possibility that a beloved wife who has been dead for 19 years with a murder victim. He also hints that the murdered and she had an affair.Says it didn't start with him. Sez it's been scuttlebutt for years and years and years. Sez he is just asking the question others have asked before him.For the public good he sez. Everything he does he sez is always for the public good. Meanwhile the family suffering and agony is renewed because of him.He has nothing better to do apparently that play golf , eat too much and tweet tweet tweet tweet tweet tweet tweet. Ain't he sweet. See her/him sashaying down the street. Now I ask you confidentially ain't she/he sweet?. less
You get to LEGALLY carry loaded weapons. You get to put your knee on the neck of a prone man for 7 minutres to "subdue" him. He stopped moving after 5 minutes after he said "I can'... moreYou get to LEGALLY carry loaded weapons. You get to put your knee on the neck of a prone man for 7 minutres to "subdue" him. He stopped moving after 5 minutes after he said "I can't breathe". Where have we heard that before?Well ya see all the cops FEARED FOR THEIR LIVES.All 4 got fired. Is that enough of a punishment for having MURDERED someone? Is being black their ticket out of jail? Is that all it takes to walk?No wonder so many brutes and bums and racists are drawn to professions where guns are not only allowed but de rigeur.Not all cops are bad but all cops get smeared every time one of them who IS BAD acts out. less