Are they always geared up for war 24/7? How long can they wait in this frame of mind before they explode and go out and start showing the world what they are whom they are wh... moreAre they always geared up for war 24/7? How long can they wait in this frame of mind before they explode and go out and start showing the world what they are whom they are why they are and that they are?
Didja think it was only the powers that be and his cabal that spread disinformation? Sheesh! THEY ARE PIKERS compared to Russia and China. Russia and China outclass the usa in a va... moreDidja think it was only the powers that be and his cabal that spread disinformation? Sheesh! THEY ARE PIKERS compared to Russia and China. Russia and China outclass the usa in a variety of ways not the least of which is INTELLECT. Scary.Both Russia and China want to capture the middle east hearts abd nubds and inundate them in ARABIC with propaganda. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that propaganda is always ANTI-american does it?Sophisticated operations. Smart folks. We are not up to their level and never will be with the powers that be totally oblivious to his inadequacy and "position" in the world. A pushover. A clown. A laughingstock. Court jester. not to be taken seriously. Not to be taken at all.Meanwhile every day in every way the Russians and the Chinese become bolder and bolder.Do you like vodka with your chow mein? less
Accepting responsibility for the consequences of your words and deeds is essential to being an adult isn't it?Blaming others for your inadequacies failures screwups does not bode w... moreAccepting responsibility for the consequences of your words and deeds is essential to being an adult isn't it?Blaming others for your inadequacies failures screwups does not bode well for you futurely. How can it?
It isn't choosy or selective at all. It will get you and your enemy and all of those in-between. It doesn't care if you are poor or wealthy or stupid dumb or a genius or knowledgea... moreIt isn't choosy or selective at all. It will get you and your enemy and all of those in-between. It doesn't care if you are poor or wealthy or stupid dumb or a genius or knowledgeable or ignorant or kind or vicious. Finally an equal opportunity purveyor. Nice ta know that money will not protect you from it or help you survive it.
Why opening up bars where people congregate so they can get drunk as skunks but not open churches for those who gather together to worship WHOMEVER? Of course both locations when j... moreWhy opening up bars where people congregate so they can get drunk as skunks but not open churches for those who gather together to worship WHOMEVER? Of course both locations when jammed with density of homo saps will become places where the virus erupts and spreads making them very ill or even dead. The virus doesn't care if you are drunk as a skunk or paying lip service to GOD. It will get you.