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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » An "American biological weapon". Covid 19. Per disinformation campaigns being waged by Russia and China. Didja know?

An "American biological weapon". Covid 19. Per disinformation campaigns being waged by Russia and China. Didja know?

Didja think it was only the powers that be and his cabal that spread disinformation? Sheesh! THEY ARE PIKERS compared to Russia and China. Russia and China outclass the usa in a variety of ways not the least of which is INTELLECT. Scary.
Both Russia and China want to capture the middle east  hearts abd nubds and inundate them in ARABIC with propaganda. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that propaganda is always ANTI-american does it?

Sophisticated operations. Smart folks. We are not up to their level and never will be with the powers that be totally oblivious to his inadequacy and "position" in the world. A pushover. A clown. A laughingstock. Court jester. not to be taken seriously. Not to be taken at all.

Meanwhile every day in every way the Russians and the Chinese become bolder and bolder.

Do you like vodka with your chow mein?

Posted - May 23, 2020


  • 35039
    At least MSNBC is not pushing that line. 
      May 23, 2020 5:51 AM MDT