Kids are too much trouble. They require taking care of which gets in the way of what the big folks wanna do.CleanNeatEasyFor the lazy bumsReward for doing nothing. How cool is that?
You interpret what you perceive. We all do. Whether the interpretation is accurate or not we believe things to be how we preceive them to be. There is no otherwise or elsewise. How... moreYou interpret what you perceive. We all do. Whether the interpretation is accurate or not we believe things to be how we preceive them to be. There is no otherwise or elsewise. How can there be? We are limited by our ability to grasp comprehend interpret. Aren't we? Don't we "see" what we want to see and aren't we blind to what we don't?
THESISA proposition put forth for consideration. especially one to be discussed and proved or to be maintained against objections.ANTITHESISOpposition, contrast, the direct opposit... moreTHESISA proposition put forth for consideration. especially one to be discussed and proved or to be maintained against objections.ANTITHESISOpposition, contrast, the direct oppositeTHESIS Guano is the best human being ever born sent by GOD to salvation only the GUANOHEADSANTITHESIS Guano is the worst human being ever born sent by the DEVIL to steal the souls of all homo saps, especially GUANOHEADS
They tell you what to think what to feel what to believe and you do. That's it. Your brain is useless apparently and you must be programmed to activate it by others. How many milli... moreThey tell you what to think what to feel what to believe and you do. That's it. Your brain is useless apparently and you must be programmed to activate it by others. How many millions are robotic automatons whose actions and words were put there by "others"? Any idea?
The only way to KNOW what someone thinks is to listen to what he/she says. Now of course they can be liars in which case you cannot trust anything they say. But certainly listening... moreThe only way to KNOW what someone thinks is to listen to what he/she says. Now of course they can be liars in which case you cannot trust anything they say. But certainly listening to those who speak for others telling us what others think? Who goes along with that? Who buys that? Who is satisfied with that? Why?Who among KNOWS WHAT GOD THINKS? Who among speak for GOD?