To shorten by cutting off a part. Cut short.The dumb cluck duck TRUNCATES what Joe Biden says and then runs it as if it were TRUTHFUL COMPLETE REAL.You do know that the dumb cluck ... moreTo shorten by cutting off a part. Cut short.The dumb cluck duck TRUNCATES what Joe Biden says and then runs it as if it were TRUTHFUL COMPLETE REAL.You do know that the dumb cluck duck has to do that don't you? Truth is his enemy now, before now and always after now.That is the hallmark of a LOSER who knows he does not have the right stuff to HONESTLY and HONORABLY compete with anyone anywhere at any time.We ought to truncate him...his reign of terrof. Truncate it by votig him out of office by millions and millions of American TRUNCATERS. How's about it? less
Per a reporter about 6,000Per law enforcement and campaign sources about 10,000PER THE DUMB CLUCK DUCK 29,000Pick a number. Any number. Which one do YOU believe is truer?
GOVERNMENTThe political direction and CONTROL exercised over the members, citizens or inhabitants of communities societies and states. The form of system or RULE by which a state o... moreGOVERNMENTThe political direction and CONTROL exercised over the members, citizens or inhabitants of communities societies and states. The form of system or RULE by which a state or community is "governed".The definition of religion doesn't mention POLITICS.The definition of politics doesn't mention RELIGIONHow did they meet and sleep together and become wedded forever? It has polluted and defiled each. T'is a pity. POLITICS USES religion shamefully and RELIGION uses politics SHAMEFULLY in return.Can each ever be purified and made CLEAN and WHOLE and GOOD? less
RELIGIONISM"Excessive or exaggerated religious zeal; affected or pretended."What we have are religionists coming out of our ears and all orifices. Everywhere all the time 24/7.Reli... moreRELIGIONISM"Excessive or exaggerated religious zeal; affected or pretended."What we have are religionists coming out of our ears and all orifices. Everywhere all the time 24/7.Religionists in politics. Religionists supporting particular politicians. Religion is dead. Religionism murdered it.
Here is what I found. Not enlightening just frustratingThe Catholic Church removed 14 books from the Bible Martin Luther removed 7 books from the BibleOver all 75 books were r... moreHere is what I found. Not enlightening just frustratingThe Catholic Church removed 14 books from the Bible Martin Luther removed 7 books from the BibleOver all 75 books were removed from the original BibleWomen were mentioned by name 5.5-8% of the time. Women were not held in high esteem. They were relegated to second class.The political leanings of a bazillion American religions are listed. 7 out of 10 Mormons vote Republican. The most faithful Democrats religionwise are the AFRICAN AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH and the NATIONAL BAPTIST CONVENT.How and why does POLITICS rear its UGLY head in religion?One would hope that GOD is apolitical but no. Not nearly so. Nothing is sacrosanct or revered apart from the politics of the "true believer". Bah humbug balderdash and baloney!There will never be separation of church and state. Politics is too powerful and religion is just another tool to use to sell what the politicians demand. Snakes are prevalent within. Slimy toads and other icky things are there within ... less
Homo Sapiens "showed up" 200,000 - 300,000 years ago. They developed a capacity of language about 50,000 years ago. So how does that relate to anything?How about the Bible?The Bibl... moreHomo Sapiens "showed up" 200,000 - 300,000 years ago. They developed a capacity of language about 50,000 years ago. So how does that relate to anything?How about the Bible?The Bible was written over a span of 1500 years by 40 authors. The OLD TESTAMENT is the original Hebrew Bible and was written at different times between 1200-165 B.C.The NEW TESTAMENT was written in the first century A.D.What does that mean? It means that homo sapiens existed long before the Bible so the Bible does not talk about them. Evil predates Satan and snakes and apples and knowledge. Homo Sapiens lived many thousands of years. What were they like? Which among them were "good" and which among them were not?The nature of homo sapiens is all over the place. Did they evolve from good to bad or was bad always there and just got braver over time?Who was the first liar? Who was the first murderer? Who was the first person to torture? Ever wonder? less
66 MILLION have voted so far in the 2020 electionIn 2016 Hillary Clinton won the popular 65,853,514The dumb cluck duck 62,984,828Wonder how many will totally vote by t... more66 MILLION have voted so far in the 2020 electionIn 2016 Hillary Clinton won the popular 65,853,514The dumb cluck duck 62,984,828Wonder how many will totally vote by the end of the election day with the red tides tsunaming in every polling location and the watchers watching the watchers watching?A bazillion?
Wild Guess. They don't want to go down with the ship. They want to bail OUT LOUD IN PERSON and not sneak out tail between legs scurrying away in the dark. STAND UP AND BE COUNTED. ... moreWild Guess. They don't want to go down with the ship. They want to bail OUT LOUD IN PERSON and not sneak out tail between legs scurrying away in the dark. STAND UP AND BE COUNTED. Or shut up and keep on truckin'. It's their funeral.