I don't remember the exact wording but the gist of it was"Don't bother me with more information MY HEAD IS MADE UP."I thought that was such a ridiculous line but we are surrounded ... moreI don't remember the exact wording but the gist of it was"Don't bother me with more information MY HEAD IS MADE UP."I thought that was such a ridiculous line but we are surrounded by a sea of Rileys. Millions of them.So that radio show was ahead of its time. Who knew?
Seems to me if you keep doing what you know won't work and ignore what will eventually you pay the piper.In a coupla weeks the piper will DEMAND payment. Got any money or has it al... moreSeems to me if you keep doing what you know won't work and ignore what will eventually you pay the piper.In a coupla weeks the piper will DEMAND payment. Got any money or has it all been charged? How's your credit?
People who are very needy are consumed by self-interest. Nothing is left of them to spare to take care of whatever they are hired to do. Digging at the bottom of the barrel for des... morePeople who are very needy are consumed by self-interest. Nothing is left of them to spare to take care of whatever they are hired to do. Digging at the bottom of the barrel for desperate doesn't seem very wise.