Discussion » Questions » Jobs » Anyone know anything about those jobs where you sell credit card machines?

Anyone know anything about those jobs where you sell credit card machines?

       Just wondered if it was legit? its like your own business which ive thought about doing since i cant find work, they said i dont need to drive. is this worth getting into?

Posted - September 21, 2016


  • 3907

    Hello p:

    I can't say whether your particular company is legit, but selling those machines and the credit card processing that goes along with it, is REAL.  I did it once.  It was too early for me.  Grocery stores weren't taking them yet, and only a few restaurants did..  That's because getting them approved involved physically looking at a list, and waiting for a land line modem to work..  They were just too slow.  But, those days are over.. 

    In fact, it might be too late now.  Look.  I KNOW you've been struggling..  But, if you're with the right company, and you put in the legwork, and work SMART, this can work for you...  Hopefully, they give you LOTS of training, and a competitive product to sell.  I'd wish you luck, but I don't believe in luck..  I believe in hard work.


    PS>  Look..  I only became an entrepreneur because people wouldn't hire me.  Working for yourself is GREAT.

      September 21, 2016 11:14 AM MDT

  • 5354

    What is the customer base? Would You buy one?

    Without a large customer base you are not likely to sell a lot of them :-))

    Main 'scam' opportunity I can see to 'make them cheaper' comes from the fact that such machines are usually connected to the internet. Does it send the card number and pin-code to some hacker who love to get that information and dont care if YOU get caught selling them.

      September 21, 2016 11:55 AM MDT

  • 1615

      September 21, 2016 12:39 PM MDT

  • 7939

    I know someone who does this to supplement her income, but you have to travel to lots of small businesses- ideally those who don't already accept credit cards, and convince them why they need one. If you can't travel easily in your city, there aren't a lot of mom and pop businesses, or you're not a natural salesperson, it will be a fruitless job. You're also generally an independent contractor, so there aren't any guaranteed wages and you get no benefits. 

      September 21, 2016 2:48 PM MDT

  • 46117

    I'm sure the idea is legit; however each company that has this as their business may not be.  

    Most companies are easily researched because if they accept you as an applicant they will have you go through training and explain how everything is set up.

    If there is no training?  It is not legit.  They are giving you a script to read over the phone and you'd better not ask too much and do as they tell you. Those are the ones that stink to high heaven.

    If it is a business where they expect you to do all the work?  You will fail.  They are only selling you a set-up operation and they  could care less if you are successful or not.

    But if you are selling a business opportunity?  Then you are the one contacting leads over the phone and selling them a home-based business.

    SO, the only way I would consider this job is if I was a salesperson and I was on the phone with leads that the company GAVE me and let me call on their phone lines and network that way.   Selling credit card machines by phone is not that hard to do.  Many business want them and your hardest part of the job will be keeping them on the line and explaining why your offer is better than whatever they have heard already.

    Any other thing that says it is a JOB is a lie.  IT is a scam.  You are not going to make a dime.  Here's why.  You don't know a thing about that business, you don't know who to call or what to say.   So, how are you going to sell it?  A website?  You still have to advertise and no one cares.  There are too many of these and they don't make you a dime.

      September 21, 2016 3:09 PM MDT

  • 22891

    i thought of trying it cause its gotta be better than what im getting now which is nothing

      September 21, 2016 3:12 PM MDT

  • 35073

    Are they offering free training?  

    You need to understand exactly how the processor works if you are going to sell it. And if there is a contract involved.

    How are you supposed to sell a credit card machine without speaking to people in person?

    Personally I would never purchase something like that over the phone.

    Are they asking you for money to be a salesperson?  

    If they are requiring some sort of investment from you, run away.  

      September 22, 2016 9:34 AM MDT

  • 22891

    theres no start up fee,

      September 22, 2016 10:06 AM MDT