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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » One stays married cheating on his wife with his "great love". The other divorces his wife and marries his "great love"? Honorable?

One stays married cheating on his wife with his "great love". The other divorces his wife and marries his "great love"? Honorable?

The affair goes on for many decades for the cheating husband and his "great love" till they are all old.

I saw the movie BACK STREET for the first time and I always wonder if the love was so "great" why wouldn't he divorce the woman he was cheating on to marry or live with the woman he was cheating with?

Where is the honor for the one who cheats despite the "great love"? And the one cheated with devotes an entire life to having crumbs rather than the entire cake? That is enough? And the wife who is cheated on? If she knows and stays then her need for money/prestige is greater than her need for honesty/integrity.  And she can always take a lover too. They all lose it seems to me. I see no advantage there anywhere. Do you?

Posted - February 9, 2020


  • 783
    People want to have their cake and eat it too. Sometimes “love” is more thrilling when it is taboo. That is why affair marriages rarely work out. 
      February 9, 2020 12:54 PM MST

  • 2706
    It's never honorable to cheat on one's wife or husband at any time or in any situation.
      February 10, 2020 1:31 AM MST

  • 34767
    If you are married, you should never have allowed yourself to be in a position of "finding" another love....great or not. 
      February 10, 2020 4:49 AM MST

  • 113301
    PRECISELY! I saw a movie titled "Back Street" which disgusted me bigly. About a woman who liv have married her. Sheesh. I know people can grow apart and change. The HONORABLE thing to do is separate, file for divorce and then live whatever way of life you choose.Anything less than that is unjustifiable and vile. It is romanticized so often I want to barf! I HATED the movie "The Bridges of Madison County". A very brief fling between a woman married to a very nice guy and a photographer passing by. Meryl Streep was the gal and Clint Eastwood was the guy. Many folks SWOONED over the romance. I felt like throwing up. Whatever. I'm not a perfect person by far but I can recognize preventable betrayal when I see it. Putting lipstick on a pig once again. Justifying the unjustifiable and having people buy it and like it? Weird! Remember a few years back we had a conversation about the "appearance" of things? Folks have to be conscious of the "appearance" of what they do. It may be "innocent" but if it appears to not be STOP DOING IT! Thank you for your reply m2c and Happy Monday to thee! :) This post was edited by RosieG at February 10, 2020 10:53 AM MST
      February 10, 2020 5:00 AM MST