I think you may be right about that, m2c. I also believe that there is still residual spillover from her support of the Hillary machine last election and how the DNC treated Bernie. Not everyone feels that way but it would be blind ignorance of many in the democratic party not to realize there are those who do.
Yes. That added to the way CNN took her side. I think reminded many of how they cheated Bernie last time. And people thought it looked planned by Warren and CNN in the debate.
MSNBC and CNN hate Bernie. They are such hypocrites. Like you, all they are interested in is their tax cuts. They think Bernie is a communist. WELL, they KNOW he is not, but they still come at him with this nonsense when we have everything to lose. EVERYTHING.
Bernie is the strongest man for the job and people on his side don't want to back him. I got news for them, they are going to lose if they back a jerk like Biden. They are gonna lose big. That's why no one voted last time. No one wanted Hilary. And she has the NERVE to say that no one wants Bernie? No one wanted HILARY. That is how we got into this mess. And she has the NERVE to open her mouth. Hilary hating Bernie is the best thing she can do for him. No one can stand her.
I confess, I don't know how or why you have a pony in that Trump choice. None of the reasons are flattering to you.
This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at February 13, 2020 8:59 AM MST
The only thing you said about ME was I was only concerned with my tax cut.
The rest was about Bernie and the left wing establishment. And you are correct they do NOT want Bernie. I really do not have a pony in it....but I am a political junkie. Left or right.....it is still interesting.
She could have supported Bernie, but the DNC was Hellbent on crowning Hillary with the nomination and arrogantly expected her to take the throne on election night but she came with far too many flaws and lost to a moron like Trump. How ineffective as a candidate must one be to lose to him?
This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at February 13, 2020 9:05 AM MST
I never knew what a dunderhead she really was until I saw her on that stage. What a fool Standing there like an ass letting Trump stand behind her and get all flustered about it. What a loser. She has 10 times the brain power he has and she couldn't embarrass him? I COULD EMBARRASS him and I never worked in Politics. She has made this her life and she just let him make a total fool of her. For a fat ass fool like Trump to make fun of you to your face and you do NOTHING?
Forget the mental. If I knew I could get away with ending him, I would. Even if it meant my life. Even if it meant ending his. This is vermin that should never have been able to walk into that sacrosanct place of command and even disgrace it with his filthy presence. And to dare speak of himself as on par with Abraham Lincoln. Anyone can eviscerate him. Anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear and a brain. A working brain.
As I said on another thread Stu I'm inclined to believe that too. The waters are so choppy right now. AARRGGHH! Thank you for your reply! I think I'm getting seasick from it. YOU?
Like Biden, Warren is a "back to the future" candidate. She lives in the past. Bernie is also a dinosaur but he has progressive, forward-thinking ideas. The best thing that Joe and Betty could do right now is to drop out.