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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » If you were a Casting Director whom would you cast to play the president? How about playing GOD?

If you were a Casting Director whom would you cast to play the president? How about playing GOD?

I believe Morgan Freeman has been cast as both?

It would have to be someone who was not obese for starters. Someone with a fine voice a fine mind a fine demeanor and a fine personality/character. IDEALLY.

So you could build one. Start with the voice. Then the appearance. Then the character.  LIke the part Jimmy Stewart played in Mr. whatever goes to Washington. He had a strong decent morality and fought for what he thought was RIGHT not what would aggrandize himself. Unlike today's pols. Anyway moving on. Then the intellect. Then his/her likability. Then his/her CARING about ALL people.

You could create perfection which would be the model for reality. With luck. Maybe a movie about a DECENT president would bomb at the box office. The millions who adore dumb don would have no interest in it. But the others? Of course the dumb donners could BLOW UP every theater at which such a movie was being shown. There is that. They are volatile and weaponized and itching to answer his dog whistle. Sigh.

Posted - February 22, 2020


  • 14795
    I think I read that Morgan Freeman was a pervert of young girls....I sure it was a big thing in our papers not so long ago....I liked him in films and hope I'm wrong.....
    Sir David Attenborough,for both rolls is the only suitable person on this planet I can think of Rosie....
      February 22, 2020 4:32 AM MST

  • 113301
    I sure hope I don't find anything like then when I Google it D. And I will. I know you have great respect for Sir  David and I can see why. I saw an episode of something with him maybe on the nature channel awhile back and he has a way about him that is substantial and authentic. But honestly D only one person comes to mind? How very sad is that? Of course I know we're talking about celebrities here and maybe those who are drawn to be celebrities have a certain gene or DNA that creates that awfulness? Thank you for your reply. After I Google I'll come back and let you know what I found. Fingers crossed but thanks for the heads up.

    AARRGGHH! I am crushed. Dagnabbit. Sigh. Bummer! DAGNABBIT! :(:(:(:(:(

    No honey I'm not upset that you informed me but you know sometimes KNOWING is horrible and it takes awhile to let it sink in. This post was edited by RosieG at February 22, 2020 10:06 AM MST
      February 22, 2020 5:49 AM MST

  • 14795
    I think you are upset more because he portrays himself in one way to the public and he uses that to seek out the young inexperienced girls .....he obviously has no control over himself or care about what his done or still doing...
    I to like to listen to with blinkers on and find it more upsetting when I read about someone I thought was a nice person....
    At the end if the day ,it's almost impossible to read people's minds....I find it helps to watch adults  eyes when in the presence of can kind of see by slight facial expressions and eye movements if they are getting excited or not...
    Its like but different ,any guy looking at a pretty girl....looks are mostly admiration ,a few are more perving that's instantly recognizable...:( 
    I find cheeky remarks amusing if well thought out.....crude or other sorts ,not so much...
      February 22, 2020 10:19 AM MST