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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The United States is the runt among nations. Small and weak about medical coverage. Small and weak about gun control. What else?

The United States is the runt among nations. Small and weak about medical coverage. Small and weak about gun control. What else?

Small and weak about climate change and how to face it and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT

Small and weak about legislation protections we used to have the head has destroyed

Small and weak with regard to maintaining alliances keeping our word backing our allies

Small and weak about supporting our INTELLIGENCE agencies, following the Constitution, honoring the rule of law

Small and weak about honesty patriotism courage kindness caring

The runt who will never catch up. SIGH. Small and weak and getting smaller and weaker. Look fast before the runt disappears entirely.

Posted - February 23, 2020


  • Your arguments are small and weak. The US is a giant where it counts most: Constitutional representative democracy, individual civil liberties, due process in a rule of law, A Bill of Rights that lets people submit their arguments publicly regardless of how small and weak they may be, advanced in science, technology with a standard of living that far surpasses most of this pitiful world. Perhaps if you lived for six months in one of the African or Asian nations, you'd get a better picture of what small and weak is all about. In the meantime, take that small and weak philosophy elsewhere for as we say here in God's Country, that dog don't hunt.
      February 23, 2020 8:03 AM MST

  • 6477
    Rats I typed a reply and it got lost... Anyway, I said, I beg to differ... I am afraid the fact that the Americans allowed, (*because it suited the purposes of the Trump camp) Russia to meddle in what should be the sacrosanct democratic elections really tells the rest of the world that America has stooped very low in terms of their principles.  I am afraid too that the idea that America is respected or a leader now on the international stage is also based mainly on your own publicity machines telling you so. The truth is very different and I am afraid that America is now a laughing stock because they have a man who shoots his mouth off, insulting allies and cosying up to enemies and acts and talks like he's stupid.

    I  said more but enough said.. PS factually while America is a very religious country still they hold no monopoly, other than their own say so, on being God's Country.

    Just a few sobering pieces re how the world views America.. these aren't my words and as one of them says, Brits actually intrinsically like America, even despite some of the bad behaviour lately... and it's always Britland who jump in with America even when we think they are wrong.. so saying we are jealous, hate you etc. is actually avoiding the reality.

    This post was edited by Adaydreambeliever at February 24, 2020 5:00 AM MST
      February 23, 2020 9:30 AM MST

  • 113301
      February 24, 2020 5:00 AM MST

  • 46117
    Small and weak because small and weak people are trying to control everything and FAT AND ORANGE will do anything in his rich theiving power to stop it.  

    FAT AND STUPID AND ORANGE is winning?  NO WAY.  GOD?  Your think this is GOD's COUNTRY?  God is not paying any attention to you or Trump.  Mother Earth is DYING and that is GOD's CREATION.  He doesn't have a COUNTRY.  He has a world of people and those who desecrate GOD's WORLD will pay in the next one.  
      February 23, 2020 11:12 AM MST

  • 113301
      February 24, 2020 5:01 AM MST

  • 10722
    America is only small and weak because we allowed it to become that way.

    We worship money (and those who have it).
    We "elect" imbeciles whose only goal is their own ($$$).
    We allow an idiot to run our country (into the ground), and act as if he were a king.
    We sit back and refuse to anything but complain.
    We like to think we are strong like we used to be in years gone by.  But just like a car, if one doesn't put some effort into maintaining it, one day it will fall apart.

    Maybe America has become small and weak because its citizens have become small and weak (fat and lazy?).  
      February 23, 2020 9:46 AM MST

  • 113301
    The disinterest is palpable. Many can't be bothered as long as their stomachs are full their bank accounts are healthy and their views are legislated to strengthen them (like controlling what a woman can do with her own body).They are fat and happy and lazy and aloof and detached. Not their problem. "I got mine get your own your weak lazy good-for-nothing". That is the attitude they all share. Now couple that with their reverence for CRUELTY which is the basis of the slavish devotion enveloping dumb don. He is the master of cruelty and his adoring worshippers will never abandon him as long as he keeps dishing it out to "the other". The cruel rule. What can we do Shuhak except bring attention to it and call it by its rightful name? Any ideas? Thank you for your thoughtful reply! :) This post was edited by RosieG at February 24, 2020 9:16 AM MST
      February 24, 2020 2:53 AM MST

  • 10722
    We can not be part of them. 
    For many, that's not as easy as it sounds.  The "youth" of this country have had everything handed to them.  They don't know hardship.  They're coddled; spoiled.  It wasn't as bad with the 'boomers" (although it existed), but it really picked up in earnest with the Gen-Xers and Millennials.   They see themselves as totally "deserving".  There's not an ounce of humility among them.  This country grew strong through unity, not dissention.  No, it was never perfect.  Now every Tom, Dick and Harriet demand "their" rights (not that they even know what a 'right' is).  They don't care about their fellow Americans rights, just their own.  Its so bad that if one person doesn't get their "rights" (in their eyes), that they'll fight against any and all other Americans to get it.  Take them to court, sue them, and, if all else fails, kill them.
    This has become a country of "me, myself, and I".  No one wants to give an inch to anyone else.  The result is a greed, selfishness, and quarreling.  Of course our leaders reflect this; after all they come from 'us'.  This country can NEVER be like it used to be (proud, strong, united) when each one of its citizens thinks that they're a nation within themselves.  Yes they are still a few who still cling to the "old ways" (values), but they are few and far between.  Sadly, they're becoming fewer and fewer each day. 
      February 24, 2020 10:01 AM MST