I think in my current, vocation, that exploring one's inner and outer reaches of mind is obligatory... it's not always comfortable but it can also be surprising and rewarding..
So your answer is "yes"! Is your mind multi-faceted like a diamond Addb? The more facets the more sparkle? I bet it is! Thank you for your reply and Happy Tuesday! :)
I used to believe if you approached the edge of my mind too closely, you risked falling off. But then I learned you would just keep going around until you wound up where you started from.
How many facets are there to YOUR mind Walt? Sometimes you sparkle so it's gotta be a bazillion! So you used the think it was flat? Goodness Ican't even begin to imagine that! Thank you for your reply and Happy Tuesday! :)
I assume my mind to have at least the number of edges as a myriagon; and I will save that task for when (if ever) I am stranded alone on a deserted island.
Multi-faceted like a diamond tom? The more facets the more sparkle right? But if you wait till you are all alone you deprive others of enjoying the journey with you. Different strokes. Thank you for your reply and HappyTuesday! :)