Obviously it will be a huge department with an enormous staff. If the ballot is approved for being counted it will be stamped with the words "APPROVED BY DON". If not it will be shredded.
To simplify the ballot there will only ever be one candidate for prez. I think you know whom that will be. Also any and all others offices will have candidates that are already don approved or they do not pass go and they do not get on the ballot.
In this way don is assured of the outcome he wants and does not have to rely on any hostile foreign nation hackers to install him as prez by rigging the election. If you want something done right do it yourself. He is perfectly capable of doing the rigging.
All you have to do is sign it and put your "X" on the only boxes listed. No researching of candidates no partisan no nothing. Also that way EVERYONE votes. NO ONE doesn't vote. .