Personally, I find the Mayans fascinating, but my favourite is probably the Romans. They contributed so much to modern society, and I think that's pretty cool.
They're fun to study, and have a great language.
The Mongol hoards.
Don't overlook that many aspects of Roman culture came from the Greeks ... Now there were a bunch of thinkers and writers .. I do believe they wrote all the original stories.. most are just a retelling from their originals, but that's another subject ..
They're really cool, eh. Such an interesting history, and culture.
Not so. I understand where you're coming from - the Romans did rebrand/adapt a lot of Greek thinking, but they did conquer a vast number of countries, and then rebranded/adapted a lot of other cultures ideas and thinking as well. The whole conquering thing wasn't something they took from the Greek culture, either. That was almost entirely their own ability.
The Celts and the Druids. They are my people. :)
Cool! Irish roots, huh
The Hippies.
The Amish.
I read Ghengis Khan's biography. Ruthless but fair.
Is there a particular aspect of what they do/think that you like?
Their ability to live simply and without the dependence on things like cellphones is something I admire, though I'm not sure I would aspire to it.
I'm not familiar with the Jamaican Maroons. Would you care to enlighten me?