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Will all three of you Bernie fans change your minds now that he was dumb and shortsighted enough to spurn Mike Bloomberg's financial help?

Posted - March 4, 2020


  • 4624
    If I was a US citizen, I'd vote for the Democratic candidate no matter who he was.

    Solidarity would be the only way to achieve a change of government,
    and a moderate swing to the left of now would be far preferable to staying so far to the right.

    It seems Bloomberg's wealth has evolved through inventing and contributing new ways of calculating how the stock exchange and other systems of investment work.
    I believe Bloomberg has had a genuine change of heart and is sincere about his allegiance with moderate Democratic policies.

    It might not have been practical (at the level of funding his campaign) for Bernie to refuse Bloomberg's offer, but politically I think it was smart.
    If Bernie is so strongly socialist, he could not accept funding from such an ultra-capitalist source without looking like a hypocrite and casting doubt on his sincerity and reliability.

      March 4, 2020 2:13 PM MST