I can't hardly see or hear. Does anyone else here have that problem?
Occasional cloudy blurring, occasional floaters after I cough, and a one-time psychedelic kaleidoscope experience in the right eye after I was laughing real hard.
I'm technically blind in one eye. Amblyopia. Lazy eye. Get a job eye (g).
No, I'm very lucky.
While, like most people my age, I have near-point recession (so I'll need reading glasses soon) and I need more light than I used to, my distance vision is still very good. Likewise, my hearing appears to be excellent for someone my age.
As for the brain attached to those eyes and ears, that's a different story (as my brother can attest. He's the one on the left below)...;-D..
No. I see and hear just fine.
im just nearsighted, ask your doctor what you can do for it