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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Per New York Governor Cuomo there is no health care system in the US that can handle what's coming. Would HOAX tell you that?

Per New York Governor Cuomo there is no health care system in the US that can handle what's coming. Would HOAX tell you that?

Per New York Governor Cuomo within a week from today some hospitals will be overwhelmed. Not all at once. They will be stacked and some will be overwhelmed sooner some later. A TSUNAMI wave that always takes everything in its wake out.

So much for the hoax. The HOAX holds strong and tough. "All is well. Everything is fine. We are handling everything. Relax. Kick Back. Stay calm. This too shall pass. I guarantee it."

Posted - March 16, 2020


  • 11412
    Here in Canada the government is taking steps to get retired doctors to be ready to go back to work if hospitals doctors get overwhelmed with virus cases - a lot of the retired doctors are saying they will work for free. Not sure if the US is taking those steps but they should be just in case. Cheers!
      March 16, 2020 6:58 PM MDT

  • 113301
    The US under the HOAX is very much third rate and dropping. If HOAX hasn't eliminated it he has gutted it. Everything we had in place to handle pandemics before he arrived he got rid of. Because you see he is so dam* smart and wise and brilliant he wanted to save money there so he could give the obscenely wealthy $1.5 TRILLION in tax breaks. He knows what side his a** is buttered on. So everything he has done or said has been detrimental to our country. He is a walking talking disaster and it will become more and more apparent as this current pandemic plays out. Worthless useless thoughtless brainless heartless soulless 400 lb monstrous blob of idiocy is in charge of the US. Pray for us Nanoose. Someone has to and you Canadians are always very kind and thoughtful to us. SIGH. Thank you for your reply m'dear! :)
      March 17, 2020 2:19 AM MDT