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Randy D
Discussion » Questions » Relationships » I’ve decided that I need a moll. Apply online and be ready to sever all ties with your current life.

I’ve decided that I need a moll. Apply online and be ready to sever all ties with your current life.

(Do you already know what it is without looking it up?)

P.S. There are built-in “nocturnal activity” requirements that go along with the job, actually, that makes up more than 51% of it, so the shy or prudish need not apply. Fear of acquiring a criminal record disqualifies you, so you must have a willingness to circumvent laws. 


Posted - March 22, 2020


  • Moll, troll, basically no difference. :P
      March 22, 2020 9:26 AM MDT

  • 53369

      Hey!  Grrrrrr. 

      March 22, 2020 9:27 AM MDT

  • 19938
    So, you're looking for a goomah.
      March 22, 2020 11:56 AM MDT