Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» SCIENCE. KNOWLEDGE. EVIDENCE. DATA. INFORMATION. What Dr. Anthony Fauci is all about. What is LOONEY TUNE all about?
He is all about the election . Today I had a scary thought - maybe the reason he wants to re open business is so that millions of Americans catch the virus and he will have a excuse to postpone the election. Cheers!
That could be OR he could hope that those who despise him will die so he will win by default. Either way he is all about himself and those who support him are all about him which is exactly as he wants it. So we'll see who wins. I think the LOONEY TUNE is especially stupid dumb about this. Especially stupid dumb. His choice. Thank you for your reply. I think Trudeau is locking down a lot of Canada. You and your family are still good right Nanoose? :)
This post was edited by RosieG at March 24, 2020 11:51 AM MDT