Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» New York City was GROUND ZERO for 9/11. It will allegedly be GROUND ZERO again soon for COVID 19. WHY is New York a favored target?
I am listening to President Cuomo's daily update as I write this. I listen every day for his FACTUAL TRUTHFUL update. Thank you for your reply and Happy Wednesday to thy and thine. STAY SAFE!
The density of the place. People live on top of one another and like it like that I guess. The subways alone are breeding grounds for everything. The streets are jam packed. Time's Square each New Years is packed to the gills with millions or hundreds of thousands. Like sardines they live so there is a price to pay for that. The sparsely populated states of course have fewer cases of COVID 19. Every day is another revelation of what is happening. Thank you for your reply and Happy Thursday. Isn't your state now locked down too? STAY SAFE.
Very vibrant, busy, densely-populated, major city with few or no controls on social and professional interaction - ideal conditions for contagious and infectious diseases.
True Yesterday a New Yorker described it "living on top of each other". Say that's how they like it. Packed tight shoulder to shoulder. Crammed together in underground subways or busses toply. Yesterday a directive came out that anyone who visited New York in the last "certain period of time" self-isolate for 14 days! Imagine that? Thank you for your reply Durdle.