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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Allegedly Tom Hanks/Rita Wilson waited only 4 hours to get test results in Australia. Is it true in the US it TAKES SEVEN DAYS?

Allegedly Tom Hanks/Rita Wilson waited only 4 hours to get test results in Australia. Is it true in the US it TAKES SEVEN DAYS?

What kind of COVID 19 testing do they do in the US that it takes 7 days to get results?

Why not do what other countries do? Is the HOAX too proud to grovel and beg for help since he knows everything better than anyone and would NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER admit he needs help?  Yes. Probably true. So we lose more lives due to his pride. What matters most? HOAX self-love or lives? Y'all know the answer to that one. No one is that stupid dumb ignorant. Above all else save the pride of the HOAX. Save his wrinkled fat dour sour orange face. It matters to him so it's gotta be what matters most to his adoring worshippers. Right?

Posted - March 28, 2020


  • 35070
    USA takes one day.   We are getting ready to release one that should take 4 hrs.  It is in testing. 
      March 28, 2020 6:17 AM MDT