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Discussion » Questions » Death and Dying » Do you think average tobacco industry executives are mostly smokers or mostly non-smokers?

Do you think average tobacco industry executives are mostly smokers or mostly non-smokers?

My opinion is that very few of them use tobacco themselves, and by extension, they discourage its use by their children and other loved ones. They know two prominent truths: tobacco kills, and peddling tobacco pays (quite well, in fact).  As long as the ignorant masses blindly bow in rapt worship to the almighty nicotine deity, the millions of dollars roll in, fattening the billfolds of the company hacks. 

Posted - April 2, 2020


  • I'd imagine they are probably non smokers.  They want to profit on addiction not be subjected to it themselves. There was a movie in the early 2000's about a tobacco lobbyist that was the perfect picture of health.  It was satirical but I'm sure it also had its fair share of truth.  Hilarious movie by the way. 

      April 3, 2020 5:36 AM MDT

  • 13395
    During the 50's  and 60's most of them probably did smoke and now likely not so much. Tobacco companies used to have reps go around to where school kids hang out and give away packs of 5 cigarettes to get them hooked and 'course those reps would be lighting up and showing off how nice it is to enjoy a nice lungfull of thick toxic smoke.  I dunno if they still do that. 
      April 3, 2020 5:59 AM MDT