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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Other "civilized" countries in the world provide health care for their citizens believing that health care is a RIGHT. In America?

Other "civilized" countries in the world provide health care for their citizens believing that health care is a RIGHT. In America?

Americans have no substantive viable RIGHTS. NONE.  Now the Constitution guarantees certain things but with one swell of a foop the white house entertainer has seen to it that will never happen. He is all right and determines what is and is not to be. He is the executer of all things. The decider of all things. The power of all things. The determiner of all things. He decides determines that whatever he says goes. No argument. He started out a spoiled brat and has become a behemoth gargantuan of needy seedy demands. Pathetic in his grotesque orange way he is a laughingstock that kills us literally and figuratively. His base will never abandon him no matter how many human beings his incompetence and vile venal impotence destroy. He are them and they are him. United forever together. How sweet.

He has tried and failed to exterminate the AHCA because he detests all things BARACK OBAMA. He'd rather see people die than get the health care they need. He is that small and cruel and jealous and superficial. His supporters support him in all things. They are the same ilk and feathered alike. Vapid insipid mental midgets. SIGH.

Posted - April 14, 2020


  • 6023
    Well ... not so much a Right, as an obligation of the government.

    That is part of being a "subject" - where it is the obligation of government to look after you, as your master.

    Vs being a "(sovereign) citizen" - where it is your obligation to look after government (meaning control it).

    At least this current crisis brought to the forefront the flaws in our health system - and will hopefully lead to serious debates about what we, as a nation, want going forward.  As well as how to get there.
      April 14, 2020 2:08 PM MDT

  • 6477
    I agree with you, of course, just a small point. I don't see the government as our master, I see them as needing to protect and care for us, to help us thrive because we ARE their main source of power, wealth and pretty much everything else.. Perhaps that's a slight difference between Britland politics and American? I don't know! But I do know that we charge them with doing their best for us, we expect it.. if they let us down they walk.. 
      April 14, 2020 2:26 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Thank you for your reply Walt. The people allegedly elect those public servants they believe will serve them well. Why would you elect someone who will make you worse off though people did that with the white house entertainer. It takes all kinds. We have vastly different value systems. That has never been more obvious than with the advent of the current pestilence. The opposite of all we were ever told was of value is adoringly worshipped protected defended supported. Ironic ain't it? Happy Wednesday Walt! :)
      April 15, 2020 1:53 AM MDT

  • 6023
    The people allegedly elect those public servants they believe will serve them well.

    The sad truth is, few people do that.
    Most people vote for the political candidate from their party, whomever it is and whatever they do.
    That's why we have Congresspersons who have been in office for decades, despite the constant low approval ratings of Congress.
      April 15, 2020 7:00 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Touche Walt. You caught an obvious miss hit on my part. Well I did have the foresight to qualify it with "allegedly". Thank you for your reply. But here's the thing. You belong to a party (not you specifically but one) because it's views mirror yours. So an extreme right-wing Conservative FASCIST will vote for FASCISM over liberalism any day of the week. So how can anyone NOT VOTE PARTY? Why belong to one elsewise otherwise? Thank you for your reply! :) This post was edited by RosieG at April 15, 2020 8:16 AM MDT
      April 15, 2020 8:15 AM MDT

  • 6023
    You would think that would be true ... but if it is, why is Congress' approval rating always so low?
    If I'm a Republican, and not happy with my Republican Congressperson - wouldn't I want to vote them out the next primary, and elect a different Republican?

    No.  I think the main reason people join political parties is the same reason they follow a certain religion.
    That's how they were brought up.  "My parents were Republican, so I'm Republican."
      April 15, 2020 9:54 AM MDT

  • 6477
    Agreed, it's a worry.. I have thought of those people who cannot afford to just go to hospital or get medical help
      April 14, 2020 2:27 PM MDT

  • 113301
    The last thing those folks needed was to be enveloped in a pandemic. How we get out of this I have no idea. Thank you for your reply Addb! :)
      April 15, 2020 1:54 AM MDT

  • 13277
    I'm not complaining because I have THE RIGHT to live here and be free to identify as a Jewish person, practicing or not practicing as I see fit. This is precious to me because my uncle, born, raised, and educated in Vienna, was forced to flee for his life from his native land just before the Nazi invasion and anschluss (annexation) of Austria in 1938. I lost countless Polish and Russian ancestors in the pogroms in eastern Europe as well as the Shoah (Holocaust), in which they were rounded up, tortured, and murdered for the unpardonable sin of being Jewish. Members of other ethnic and religious groups have similarly fled for their lives and found safety, asylum, and RIGHTS here in the USA. I, for one, am thankful that I have THE RIGHTS of religious and social freedom and basic human dignity that some of my ancestors did not.

    Furthermore, you and the rest of us have THE RIGHT to sit in our homes and freely express our opinions, complaints, etc. on the Internet without fear of censorship or reprisal from authorities. While our country is far from perfect, please stop and think about THE RIGHTS we have before launching a bunch of hyperbole about having none. It makes you seem ungrateful. Thanks.
      April 14, 2020 2:53 PM MDT