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Should a parent train their kid to suffer in silence and not be a whining jerk on other peoples nerves?

Life is hard enough..y'know..

Posted - September 26, 2016


  • 3375

    Parents should teach their children on how to handle the difficult people in life.  No child should be taught to be passive.  Teach assertiveness without being a jerk or a bully.  It can be done.

      September 26, 2016 4:03 PM MDT

  • You truly don't see the.irony in your question, do you?

      September 26, 2016 4:52 PM MDT

  • 3934

    Can parents accept the same advice they want to give to their children?

    The evidence says "No"...;-D...

      September 26, 2016 5:10 PM MDT

  • 691

    I see from the wording that you are suggesting the answer must be no but I would say yes, that a parent has duty to teach their children how to function in the world and sometimes that means hiding discomfort in order to impress.  If the child learns this than the child has a choice at least. It is more power to have a choice than not to.

      September 26, 2016 8:55 PM MDT