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Discussion » Questions » Health and Wellness » Is it possible for the common house fly of Mosquitos to pass on the virus to humans.? Mosquitos draw blood from many people ~

Is it possible for the common house fly of Mosquitos to pass on the virus to humans.? Mosquitos draw blood from many people ~

~And have a kind of anaesthetic in their salvia that they inject into thier victims....flies to can land on anything that's been infected to and y
then land on your food or any where on your body....
Given that a pin head can hold a million of these little nasty it not possible that flies can transmit it so easilly to ?  

Posted - April 18, 2020


  • 4624
    Excellent question for both house flies and mosquitos
    but I wouldn't dare try to answer it.
    I think it's a question that should go to the epidemiologists,
    and it would take them quite some months to do the research.

    In the meantime, it doesn't hurt to take precautions just in case. :)
      April 19, 2020 12:09 AM MDT

  • 14795
    I know the virus is far smaller than spores....but with one million on a pinhead and they stay virile for countless hours on the right surface....why not on a flies feet of mosquitos blood sucker thingy.....they must all carry millions to....
    I say this  as a fly touched my face yesterday....what is to stop them from contaminating humans to...? 
      April 19, 2020 1:17 AM MDT

  • 5391

    The COVID-19 virus is still relatively unstudied, but as yet no evidence is known of parasitic blood transmission.
    Given the number of known dangerous viruses and parasites transmitted by the over 3,000 different species of mosquitoes, it would be fair to say we shouldn’t rule anything out. Given the types of diseases and numbers of infections and deaths caused by mosquitoes every year, COVID-19 might not even be the biggest of those worries. 

    Mosquitoes are, and long have been, the deadliest animal to human life. 

      April 19, 2020 6:06 AM MDT