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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "Trump supporters hold pro-death rally at Minnesota Governor's home." I must be joking musn't I?

"Trump supporters hold pro-death rally at Minnesota Governor's home." I must be joking musn't I?

No social distancing
Few masks

Outside of Minnesota Governor Tim Waltz' home the "F... your feelings' crowd held a "F... your life" party.

How can the "pro life" be pro death you ask? Beats me. Crazy wackadoodle nimnut dimwits? Mebbe.

Posted - April 19, 2020


  • 2706
    It's interesting that you should condemn this pro-death rally when just yesterday you wished that every COVID-19 denier and their families get the disease and that some die. I realize and understand that the emotions of many people are running high nowadays but hopefully, most will come to grips with our situation and make the best of what we have.
      April 19, 2020 3:46 AM MDT