Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Senator Elizabeth Warren's older brother dies from COVID 19. Getting closer to pols and family. A Republican next? BE FAIR. Take turns?

Senator Elizabeth Warren's older brother dies from COVID 19. Getting closer to pols and family. A Republican next? BE FAIR. Take turns?

No funeral. No loved ones by his side. No way to say goodbye. Future for all of us. Get prepared. It's coming for you or a loved one soon... one day.

Posted - April 23, 2020


  • 2706
    What does political party affiliation have to do with dying? Death plays no favorites. We all die at some point in our lives. Some die young, some in middle age and some in old age. My mom died from a massive heart attack. My dad died of cancer. My older sister died from complications of dementia. Death is inevitable and politicizing COVID-19 won't change that fact.
      April 23, 2020 11:05 AM MDT