Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » You're born you live you die. If that's all there is what is the point?

You're born you live you die. If that's all there is what is the point?

Posted - April 24, 2020


  • 2706
    I may be mistaken but a while back I believe I saw you mention that you used to be a Sunday school teacher. If you indeed were then you will or should understand my answer. If I'm mistaken and you weren't a Sunday school, my answer remains the same. You can believe it or reject it.  The real meaning of life, both now and in eternity, is found in the restoration of our relationship with God. This restoration is only possible through God’s Son, Jesus Christ, who reconciles us to God (Romans 5:10; Acts 4:12; John 1:12; 14:6).

    Salvation and eternal life are gained when we trust in Jesus Christ as Savior. Once that salvation is received by grace through faith, Christ makes us new creations, and we begin the progressive journey of growing closer to Him and learning to rely on Him in this life and the life to come. God wants us to know the meaning of life. Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10). A “full” life is logically one that is meaningful and devoid of aimless wandering. So in my opinion, this life isn't all there is.
      April 24, 2020 6:39 AM MDT