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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » It's very puzzling to me that a virus is smarter and can outwit homo saps. As long as we live we will always never eradicate them. Right?

It's very puzzling to me that a virus is smarter and can outwit homo saps. As long as we live we will always never eradicate them. Right?

I always thought roaches would inherit the world. They are ubiquitous and indestructible. But maybe its viruses. They kill more of us faster than roaches or maggots ever could. Homo saps are not smart enough to outwit them. So we wait. The probability/possibility of expiencing MORE such devastating killers will always be there. Will our "leaders" always be so inept impotent stupid dumb to mock ridicule ignore them until it's too late?

Posted - April 30, 2020


  • 14795
    You/the most educated people doctors/ scientist in the world are not trying to outwit one tiny virus Rosie.....they are trying to outwit Mother Nature and Everloution that's taken countless billions of years for it to work out and evolve....
    You will never ever know how or why these killer viruses devolope......
    My thoughts is , it's to stop one species getting to powerful and thinking and acting like gods....
    No matter what we devolope weapons wise....There is very little the human race can do to protect its self when Mother Nature gets annoyed.....
    At present the human race is on self distruct with unstoppable pollution of our seas and oceans and who knows what other chemical or bacterial weapons countries hold in store....How do we know this is not something man made that has some how got out of where it was created...
    If a new  conventa L world land war starts with China.....with countless millions of troops from all side firing off so many weapons ,what more damage will be done to our oceans ,the polar caps and all other wild life big ,small insects living on our planet with us ...
    Did you know that there is 30% less insects in the world today then there was 15 years ago....insects feed no end of bigger birds and bugs and are the seconds mosts important part of our food chain....they might be annoying to humans ,but they also pollenate so many of our crops as well.....again ,humans are messing with Mother Nature without any clue what they are doing....   
      April 30, 2020 4:43 AM MDT

  • 113301
    ((hugs)) See why I have friends much smarter than me D? For this exact thing. They have brains and intelligence and know things and share what they know. I rest my case. Period. End of story. I didn't know the percent of fewer insects D but I have spoken of it in generalities priorly. I never see ants or flies any more. Where did they go? I don't know. Homo Saps believe they are the smartest animals. They are that dumb. You become aware of intelligence or lack thereof by what they DO not what they say. Look what we've done to the world in which we were born? Treated it with contempt disdain cruelty and THEN we blame everything but ourselves. Not all of us of course but most of us. What could be MORE STUPID than that? SIGH. We are on a downward DIVE exacerbated and accelerated by the rigged election in 2016 and the infestation/installation of Pumpkina** and the crew. Will the a** be re-elected and force 4 more years of he** upon us? Well Russia never stopped their background hacking and the gaggle are hanging in. Some Republican Senators are breaking ranks which further infuriates Pumpkina**. Getting back to lack of insects...funny how Pumpkina** reminds me of vermin...what happens if 100% of insects disappear? Bees for instance are becoming extinct I think. We are being affected by what we cannot effect/affect mostlly because the perps refuse to acknowledge their part in it and the damage we've ALREADY DONE FOR DECADES. WHO ME? Dumb by any standard. Thank you once again for your very thoughtful and informative reply. We need them more than ever to keep our sanity D! Keep 'em flowing please and thank thee! : ) This post was edited by RosieG at April 30, 2020 8:59 AM MDT
      April 30, 2020 5:22 AM MDT

  • 14795
    Do you not think that all powerful countries like Anetica, England,France, China and the rest of huge powerful counties are doing the exact same thing as Russia is accused of doing...Then you have the Middle East terrorist countries  countries comming attrossities and passing the blame on to others ...
    In the Philippines they are deforest ing everywhere ,just to  plant Palm oil trees to crop...They are killing off all of the wildlife that existed on thiese island countries for countless thousands of years...The tribes that lived in and off of the forests are displaced and are made homeless...How can anyone own places where people have lived and existed for countless years and then destroy that countries natural habitat and displace so many people and wildlife just to name a few wealth .. 
    May be not in your lifetime ,but I thing for certain it will occur in mine...Things and life with have to change dramatically,for the human race to be allowed to exist and live a cleaner life without pollution ...
    All companies that make and sell all plastics of any form should be forced to clean the oceans and be wholely responsible for recycling....
    We are ordered to seperate our plastic waste and  put in bags for collection....The plastic in bottles are different to the caps and they a
    can only be hand sorted...there are hindereds of different plastics being made ....from tiny parts to huge..Dies anyone actually sort them out or are  they just burnt ,buried or thrown in our seas to dispose off.,,
    Americe ive seen tv programes about...takes ship or barge loads to Venezuela and dumps it in the ocean there to get rid of  it,,,..  :(
      April 30, 2020 7:01 AM MDT

  • 113301
    AARRGGH! I cahn't stend it D! I have read that many fish ingest plastic. We ingest the fish. How much plastic do we carry inside us? There is so much of it in the oceans. So we are killing the planet in the air on the land in the sea. WHO ME? Yes. There are still homo SAPS unwilling to admit any liability reponsibility accountibiligy blame. Why you ask? Pure stupid dumb capped with ignorance which they have no desire to correct. For reasons only they know. Any rbight lights anywhere or is all doom and gloom and betrayal? SIGH. Thank you for your informatiive reply. This post was edited by RosieG at April 30, 2020 8:59 AM MDT
      April 30, 2020 7:11 AM MDT

  • 14795
    Do you know that your sweats and fleeces are most all made of recycled types of certain plastics....each time you wash them ,the micro plastics from them all end up in the sea and now they knew that they produce billions of particals of micro plastics oer cubic metre in the air we breath in our cities...We each and all breath it in daily....I'm not sure,  but don't thing most cheap face masks help much or are any help at all Rosie...
      April 30, 2020 8:28 AM MDT

  • 113301
    BAD ROSIE! Geez D I have two pairs of sweats...dark blue and gray. I LOVE them. But they've got plastic in them? WHY ON EARTH DO THEY NEED IT IN OUR CLOTHING? You're killing me honey. Not complaining but isn't there anything we do that's safe? Or is everything detrimental to our safety and the safety of the planet? This is VERY DEPRESSING. Now if I purchase 100% cotton only is that safe? Do they put pulverized plastic in the food we eat? Do we drink it in liquid form? What about our meds? Plastic too? Wasn't there a movie with Dustin Hoffman years ago where he graduated from college and someone told him to get into plastics? I don't know why that popped in my head but it did. Plastic. Once upon a time a superthing. Now another bane of our existence. SIGH. Thank you for your reply D! :) What's coming next sweetie? Even though I'm flinching and cringing I want more info about things I don't know but should. I'm sitting down so I won't fall down! :( This post was edited by RosieG at April 30, 2020 9:00 AM MDT
      April 30, 2020 8:35 AM MDT

  • 14795
    They don't have plastic in them as an added substance Rosie...they are made of just plastic and sewn with nylon thread to... 
    Plastic food containers and water bottles ,not all ,but most all leach a modicum of plastic into what we are and eat from...Paper cups we drink big brand take away Coffee from like Starbucks and Costa coffee...all use vurgin paper cups that are lined with a type of plastic that makes them all un recyclable  aRosie....
    Did you know also that in America no food companies are required to say on their packaging if any thing the food contains has any Genetically  Modified food items in them.....
    People of all the major countries are mugged off in one way or another...god knows what happens in the countries no one else cares about...
      April 30, 2020 8:55 AM MDT

  • 113301
    The GMO parts totally disgusts me. So when I see anything that states there is no GMO at all if I can eat it I buy it. Genetically modified organisms. You want to ingest that? How are they modified? What are the results of ingesting it? How long do you have to test to see what the adverse results are? To NOT KNOW what you are eating sucks. Frankly m'dear I have found most people NEVER READ LABELS AT ALL. They greab and go and when you why they don't read they sluff it off totally. What they don't know could hurt them bigly but they don't care. They know junk food is bad for them but they consumes tons of and feed their kids tons of it which is why 50% of American children are obese allegedly. No wonder. Crap in fat out. Partially hydrogenated/hydrogenated fats. Don't even get me started on that. A bazillions grams of sugar and salt but it tastes so good so  bug off and leave me alone. That is what you get from the fat lazy and also often quite ill people in America. They are fat and it's good enough for them so it's good enough for their children. Try to tell anything and you get your chopped off. And so it goes! They attached Michelle Obama for her vegetable gardens so children would know WHERE FOOD COMES FROM. They attacked her and telling folks they should really have their kids EXERCISE. They attacked her for that. So be it. Thank you for your reply D! :) This post was edited by RosieG at April 30, 2020 3:07 PM MDT
      April 30, 2020 9:30 AM MDT

  • 14795
    Nature takes thousands or millions of years to let all vegetation mutate into what it is to day Rosie...Scientists mess with plants genes to make them more resilient to pests and when they GM  them, it makes them grow bigger and I don't know what that does to our bodies...and big American companies refuse to tell...
    in England it's the law that all GM foods have to say on the lables that they contain GM ingredients.....
    Did you know also that no American apples can be exported and sold in Europe including England....  They are all sprayed with a chemical that always been banned in Europe and England... I can't remember what the chemical is's some kind of poison as are most preservatives... They kill the mould that stops or slows down  things decaying  

    Unless you grow things yourself don't know what you eat or what's put in foods as fillers to bulk things up....
    Look at a big brand name of chicken soup.....Hienz chicken soup has 1% chicken in is that lawful to call it chicken soup...its criminal ,but lawful and I wonder why it is and also why it's still allowed..
      My thoughts are that those that make such laws also own or have large financial interests in such companies.... 
      April 30, 2020 3:38 PM MDT