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Flint Ironstag
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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » A fairly large percent of postal workers are allegedly veterans. WHY IS THE USPS another target for Pumpkina**? Why does he BADMOUTH it?

A fairly large percent of postal workers are allegedly veterans. WHY IS THE USPS another target for Pumpkina**? Why does he BADMOUTH it?

Does he want to create his own firm to handle all mail delivery and charge us through the nose to receive and deliver our mail?


We deliver the best. We are the only delivery service. We charge what we want and you have no choice. PAY THROUGH THE NOSE OR IN THE SHREDDER YOUR MAIL GOES!

Pretty truthful slogan. Honesty in extortion! Who knew?

He plans to charge billions because he hates people richer than him and his goal? BECOME THE WORLD'S FIRST TRILLIONAIRE! That will show Jeff Bezos. Another person Pumpkina** hates because well Jeff is so much richer and successfuller than poor liddle GAG. GAG is out to get him for that. Think he will?

Y'all will support that goal I know. Y'all will do whatever it takes to make Pumpkina** happy. SIGH

Posted - May 3, 2020


  • 6477
    Hmm taking a step back ... why does he badmouth anyone!! Why does he feel the need to do that? It's not very professional is it? It smacks of insecurity, let's belittle others because then I can pretend I am great.. Why people believe that is also beyond me!
      May 3, 2020 8:43 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Allegedly he is supposedly the Commander in Chief of the military! WHY DOES HE BADMOUTH THE VETS who served their country which he 5 timres fake bonespurred to get out of doing? Why why why why why? AARRGGHH! Thank you for your reply Addb! :)
      May 3, 2020 9:39 AM MDT

  • 34762
    Not the same thing.  

    If I complain about bad teachers and the majority happen to be female, does not mean I am complaining about females.
      May 3, 2020 9:52 AM MDT