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Discussion » Questions » Paranormal » Do you go to H - E - Double hockey sticks for killing lots of zombies?

Do you go to H - E - Double hockey sticks for killing lots of zombies?

If the zombie apocalypse happens I'm sure a person would be forgiving for having to kill a few zombies that were all H - E - Double Hockey Sticks bent on eating their brains. But I'm planning on killing as many zombies as I can until my Island is secure or the zombies pry my nail gun from my cold dead hands (I live in Canada so I can't have a firearm but I can have a 22 caliber powered nail gun). Cheers!

Posted - June 30, 2016


  • 7939

    I don't think so. By American law, you could get charged with desecration of a corpse, but being in Canada, you're safe from that as well.

      June 30, 2016 8:42 PM MDT