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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » How would you cast someone who isn't intelligent enough to be believable as "smart" with the emotional range of a brick wall?

How would you cast someone who isn't intelligent enough to be believable as "smart" with the emotional range of a brick wall?

I believe it was Dorothy Parker who reviewed Katharine Hepburn in an early film role by stating "her range of emotion ran the gamut from A to B". Stinging. Of course Katharina Hepburn turned out to be a very great actress. Dorothy Parker focused on one snapshot moment. She didn't live long enough to know about what followed. We forgive her for not knowing what she could not possibly know.

So we have a guy who playacts the role of president. Unintelligent ignorant and unaware of it. His emotional range is non-existent. Not even A-B. What do you do with that? Maybe the role of the SLOTH JABBA THE HUT in Star WARS?

Posted - May 7, 2020
