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What would I have to do if I wanted to vote twice, or even three times, or even more???


Well, I'd have to find a dead guy and buy some phony ID for him..  Then I'd have to register him.  Then I'd have to wait in line to cast MY vote, and then I'd have to wait in line to cast HIS vote. 

Now, it IS true, I COULD do that maybe three or four times in one election. 
But, that's a LOTTA work, and a pretty big RISK for only a few votes.  Besides, what would it change?  So, I'm gonna have a beer instead..  Do you really think somebody is gonna go through this??

I heard somebody registered 20 dead people..   Ok, let's say somebody actually DID do all that work 20 times, or even 20 people did it one time.  Look.  I dunno ANYBODY who would work that HARD, to take such a BIG risk, for so LITTLE gain.. I just don't.  Maybe you do.


Posted - September 30, 2016


  • 34961
    Not if you live in a state that does not require ID to vote.  You would simply register however many people as you wish.  Most places you can simply mail it in.

    Most people doing something like this would do absentee voting ---no line to wait in.
      September 30, 2016 9:49 AM MDT

  • 3934
    You know as well as I do that that the concerns about voter fraud (where it isn't an inside job by election officials) is all about racism and STOOPD EBIL LIBRUHL-bashing.

    I saw one of the Usual Suspects whine about how "any illegal vote negates a legitimate citizen's vote."  Of course, was he up in arms about voter roll purges (like the one in Florida in 2000) which denied THOUSANDS of legal voters their franchise? Of course not. The only reason I wouldn't call such a person a F***ING HYPOCRITE is because he's probably too ignorant to be aware of such things.

    Here's noted modern Right Wing figure Paul Weyrich explaining the REAL motivation behind voter ID laws, restricting voting practices such as early voting, the demonization of ACORN, etc.

      September 30, 2016 9:54 AM MDT

  • 691
    Do you not simply go and say "I am Mr. Chris Frank" and they give you the ballot for Chris Frank if you swear that is you? I have no voted as someone else so I do not know, but I have heard this works and it is one way dead people can vote.
    I agree that it is hard to see enough people doing this to affect results. I am more worried with votes that are not counted or counted wrong and voting machines that are not accountable in any real way. I also think it looks very bad for a country like USA to have people vote twice and dead people vote, that is easy to stop.
      September 30, 2016 5:08 PM MDT

  • 22891
    that sounds like too much work to me
      October 2, 2016 6:27 PM MDT