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To all you self-identified Christians out there who support Trump. Do you REALLY THINK JESUS would support such a decadent person? Why?

Posted - September 30, 2016


  • 34950
    Jesus would not support either one.  But we are voting between Jesus, Trump or Clinton.  We are only voting on Trump and Clinton. (yes there are others but they have 0 chance)

      September 30, 2016 10:04 AM MDT

  • 131
    I need to echo my2cents answer. Jesus wouldn't support either candidate. If you read the New Testament you would see that He never got involved in politics. If Trump is decadent, what is Clinton's status. the research and you'll find out that she lives and fits right in with all the corruption and decadence the political system has to offer. So what are the voters to do? Vote for the lesser of two evils? There is no such thing as a lesser of two evils. Regardless of the "level" of corruptness and decadence, one is still corrupt and decadent and justice will have it's way. This post was edited by Rufus Clancy at December 20, 2016 12:32 AM MST
      September 30, 2016 11:40 AM MDT

  • 2758
    As a Christian I pray for and believe in the manifestation of God's Kingdom on earth (that whole "...THY KINGDOM COME, THY WILL BE DONE..." thing). God is the ONLY entity with a legitimate right/claim to rule over HIS creation.  Any other form of government (as by human apes) is an arrogation of God's right of rule.

    Translation: I believe Jesus wouldn't want me to vote for either one of the two a**clowns currently vying for La Casa Blanca.

    Oh, my!  I bet that wasn't quite the answer you suspected, huh? I guess that's what happens when 'we' try to pigeonhole people. :-)
      September 30, 2016 1:44 PM MDT

  • 113301
     I don't know you at all so why would I expect anything specific from you? Upon what would it be based? Ignorance? There are religions whose followers stay out of politics completely. They do not vote at all. So if you are a follower of one of those then of course you will not vote for anyone. You will not  celebrate birthdays/holidays or give gifts. Thank you for your reply Tq and Happy Saturday to you! :)
      October 1, 2016 2:17 AM MDT

  • 2758
    Not from me in particular but from Christians in general.  I gather you believe they all think in roughly the same way.  IF (and I have no way to know for sure) you believe that, then my answer would be well outside the range of your expectation.  Basically, I was answering a stereotype with a stereotype in as gentle a manner as possible.  (I am one who does not vote for reasons of conscience, so about that you're spot on. :-))

    You have a good weekend, too, Rosie.

      October 1, 2016 2:35 AM MDT

  • 113301
    "Christians in general". Christians are as different from one another as day from night. They are all over the place. Some  "good little Christians" are racists/bigots/hatemongers/misogynists and spend their lives harming others while self-righteously going to church, memorizing the Bible and looking down on those who not like them. It is those so-called "Christians" whom I deplore because they are not remotely Christian. They flatter themselves that they are and that God is on their side. I think not though I have never had a two-way conversation with God. I am first-generation American. My grandparents and parents came to this country and all became naturalized citizens. If I did not vote it would be a slap in the face to them. I ALWAYS VOTE. It would bother my conscience if I didn't. You have to suit yourself and do what makes sense to you. Choosing the lesser of two evils makes sense to me so that is what I shall be doing. What you do/don't you have to live with, not me.  Have a great day Tq! :)
      October 1, 2016 2:45 AM MDT

  • 2758
    Thank you again!  This is a wonderful post, and as it happens I agree with you about CINO's (Christians In Name Only).
      October 1, 2016 3:01 AM MDT

  • 113301
    You're welcome Tq. Thank you for the compliment. So we have RINOS, DINOS, CINOS, WINOS. What about HINOS..humans in name only?
      October 1, 2016 4:26 AM MDT

  • 691
    It is the same question over and over in different ways and the answer is always the same, that trump is not the first choice just that hillary is the last choice. Trump is very easy to bash but he is the only one against hillary. So what can we do?
      September 30, 2016 4:59 PM MDT

  • 2758
    You're walking down the street and a big, burly man walks up to you. He says he's going to rape and then kill the woman on the other side of the street. He says you get to vote on the method he uses to kill her. The cops are minutes away, so even if he'd let you call them they wouldn't arrive in time. You can't take him because the man is easily twice your size. How do you vote?
      October 1, 2016 1:34 AM MDT

  • 113301
    What does this question have to do with my question Tq? 
      October 1, 2016 2:19 AM MDT

  • 2758
    Thank you, Rosie! I'm so glad you asked!  Seriously.

    The point of the dilemma I posted above is to demonstrate the folly of voting for the lesser of two evils.  No matter how the man in the dilemma 'votes,' the victim still dies.  Likewise, no matter how Americans' vote, the nation still dies...maybe a little, maybe a lot, but the outcome will be the same.

    Trump is an orange colored buffoon.
    Hillary is a snake in the grass.

    Those are our only two choices.  The victim (us) dies no matter how we vote.  The ONLY viable option is not to participate in the monstrous farce.

      October 1, 2016 2:28 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Thank you for the follow-up explanation.  I get your point.  It is akin to the difference between calling something a  "killing" or "murder".  All a cop has to do is say "I feared for my life" and he can shoot dead an unarmed black man. Either way, killed or murdered, you end up dead. So discussing the pros and cons is vacuous and irrelevant. DEAD IS DEAD! I say "Thou Shat Not Kill"  is a commandment and I get arguments from Christians who insist that is very different from "Thou shalt not murder" which they tell me is what God means by "Thou shalt not kill". I know. Speaking for God is very arrogant but they do it all the time. There is NO DIFFERENCE between killing someone and murdering someone since the result is the same. Period. :)
      October 1, 2016 2:38 AM MDT

  • 2758
    Well, not quite.  In the case of the dilemma it's fairly clear that 'kill' and 'murder' are synonymous whereas there are those who'd argue that there's a difference in some sort of religious context.

    As for cops killing/murdering innocent black (etc.) men/women, we're in foursquare agreement.  If you want somebody to defend cops, I'm definitely NOT the guy. :-)
      October 1, 2016 2:44 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Whew! You do seem to be a very reasonable person Tq.  Good. The more folks there are out there like you the better I like it! Uh huh! Uh huh!  "This might be the beginning of a beautiful friendship". Yes.  Bogart is my favorite celebrity (Yoda too) and Casablanca is among my favorite movies. Have to give credit where credit is due Tq! :)
      October 1, 2016 2:48 AM MDT

  • 2758
    Thank you for the kind words, Rosie, but in the interest of transparency/honesty you should know that I'm the same guy as 'Nimitz.'  I just changed back to my 'original' username and avatar.  (I don't think you liked me too much as Nimitz.)

    Be that as it may, I do like and respect you even if you're a'single-minded' when it comes to Trump. :-)

      October 1, 2016 2:56 AM MDT

  • 1002
    I vote for going down with one he!!uva fight! Surely there has to be a blunt instrument somewhere on that street, right? Does that count? Gotta be resourceful these days ;) This post was edited by ForkNdaRoad at October 1, 2016 9:39 AM MDT
      October 1, 2016 7:04 AM MDT

  • 2758
    I love it when people try to refashion analogies in the attempt to engineer an escape hatch. :-)

    The point, of course, is obvious: one cannot expect to wield a 'heavy instrument' against the United States government and come out alive.  The 'woman' still gets raped and killed.
      October 1, 2016 2:01 PM MDT

  • 34950
    Are you trying to compare Trump to a big burly rapist murder?  Not even in the same ballpark. Bill Clinton is the one accused of multiple rapes and sexual harrassments.

    I would stall and hit 911 on my phone.
      October 1, 2016 9:36 AM MDT

  • 2758
    Uh, no. I'm definitely not trying to compare the two. :-)
      October 1, 2016 1:37 PM MDT

  • 1002
    I don't think there's a single politician he would support.
      September 30, 2016 8:23 PM MDT

  • 2758
    You're right.  The "WWJD" gambit is a false dilemma.
      October 1, 2016 1:36 AM MDT

  • 1002
    I read the book and I never got the feeling from it that he admired the leaders of his own time, our leaders are scandalous. But like you, I do hold out for their soul... Problem is, that is something they must deem valuable enough to protect.

    I recall watching Ron Paul on several occasions, downright shaky, when set side by side with some of these politicians. It's no light and transient thing to stand in the lions den, but to come out after 30+ years with one's soul intact... Nearly impossible, that.
      October 1, 2016 7:11 AM MDT

  • 2758
    1) As near as I can tell from years of Bible study (:-)), Jesus didn't care much for the authorities of His day, period.  He was a Theocracist in every true sense of the word. (The capital T serves to differentiate between the 'theocracies' of human apes and the true Government of God.)

    2) Agreed!  And it's hard to tell who sold out whom in regard to 'our' leaders.  Although they don't represent us, they ARE a reflection of us.  That Paul or any other Libertarian didn't/doesn't stand a chance in hell isn't as much their fault as ours.
      October 1, 2016 1:57 PM MDT