Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Right here right now we're lucky to be. One day we won't but today we are. Are you counting your blessings? How many are there?
I am a fan of counting blessings. And I believe we have so many here, too many to mention but including that the NHS did cope with the height of the pandemic, that the governement are protecting those who have suffered financially, e.g. losing their jobs or being furloughed, that we get good, accurate and informative advice and updates every day, that it's been glorious weather, that most people are sticking to the lockdown, that most people have come forward in a the spirit of sticking together to help get us through this.
We the people matter. We the people are doing the right thing. Da big cheese and his cabal et al operate in a different universe. They have nothing to do with us. We the people will prevail. We always have and always will. Cup half full. Stiff upper lip. Carry on! Thank you for your reply Addb! :)