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Can restaurants survive without a bailout?

In my view, without a bailout, they won't last through the summer..  Not requiring the patrons to be tested, and only allowing 50% of his tables to be occupied isn't something restaurants can endure..

A bailout, however, will keep them alive, restore the broken food chain, feed the hungry people lining up at foodbanks, and keep restaurant workers off the unemployment rolls.

It's actually a brilliant idea..  That's why Trump would NEVER come up with something so ingenious..  No, it's NOT my idea..  It's Tom Colicchio's

Posted - May 17, 2020


  • 44761
    There isn't enough money after bailing out the multi-million dollar corporate restaurants. The chains will survive, but locals will not.
      May 17, 2020 11:22 AM MDT

  • 5808
         Big corporations have got most of the bailout
    i think,
    where not much action is felt from the Smaller
    businesses especially Restaurants.
    Have seen some of my favorite places
    close down and go out of business.
    Life long places gone and probably not
    able to start again somewhere.
         Most if not all restaurants have a humongous overhead
    and are dependent on that daily flow of customers.
         Its a new normal for all of us.
    Trump hasn't a clue about empathy,
    just concerned about himself...Sad.
      May 17, 2020 11:32 AM MDT

  • 19937
    Trump hasn't a clue about anything unless it directly related to himself.
      May 17, 2020 1:09 PM MDT

  • 19937
    Three local restaurants have closed, one of which was in business for 60 years.  The chain restaurants may make it, but I fear for the smaller ones.  
      May 17, 2020 1:10 PM MDT

  • 2327
    I don't really care, tbh. If they don't make it, they don't make it. The lockdown was necessary, and eased too soon imo. Health is more important to me than restaurants.  
      May 17, 2020 1:14 PM MDT

  • 44761
    Precisely. I rarely eat at restaurants, anyway.
      May 18, 2020 6:06 PM MDT

  • 7939
    I just saw a petition to save music venues; same thing. If they can't open by end of year, 90% will never reopen. As someone who loves music and visits a lot of our local establishments, the thought of them vanishing really makes me emotional. Here's that if anyone's curious:

    I think restaurants are in a better position to weather this because they can still do takeout and delivery now. The hangout spots and restaurants centered on entertainment will have a harder time. I haven't seen any stats though. I think we'll see fewer casualties here than we will compared to venues. We'll probably lose a lot though. 
      May 18, 2020 5:19 PM MDT

  • 35071
    The whole country needs a bailout.   Not just restaurants.  Restaurants were allowed to be open this whole time. Making something at least. 

    I am non-essential....I was not allowed to be open for nearly 2 months. 
    The whole country needs a bailout except big business...Walmart, Amazon, Home Depot etc.

    But no I would not favor a bailout for just one sector of the economy.  Because it is not just one sector of the economy hurting. 
      May 18, 2020 6:07 PM MDT

  • 3907
    Hello my:

    Mmmm..  How did we switch sides???

    I agree..  The entire country needs a bailout..  But, we only have limited money to spend, so we have to spend it where we get the biggest bang for our buck..

    Truly..  I don't know where that is..  Maybe your industry.. 
    Look..  I'll write to Trump and tell him to bail out my friend, my2cents..

      May 19, 2020 7:41 AM MDT

  • 35071
    I say let people go back to  work using the social distancing etc of course.   

    Older people and those with health issues....take precautions.   

    People need to be responsible for themselves and the people that are around.  Not the government. And media has to quit scaring  people.  

    I do not favor bailing any single industry out.  But if we were going to do any more sort of stimulus it should go to the people not the businesses.  Require it to be spent...if not spent you loose it.  Mark Cuban put out a plan. $1,000 per household every other week but must be spent or it expires.  For 3 months to stimulate the economy. I would support that. 
      May 19, 2020 9:09 AM MDT

  • 3907
    *People need to be responsible for themselves and the people that are around.  Not the government.*

    Hello again, my:
    I don't disagree..  But, the problem isn't government or the media..  It's that asshat who thinks the virus thing is a democrat hoax, and won't wear a mask, and won't stay 6' away from me..

    Truer words have never been spoken.  We ARE our brothers keepers..

    This post was edited by excon at May 19, 2020 10:32 AM MDT
      May 19, 2020 9:51 AM MDT

  • 35071
    I do not know anyone who thinks the disease is a hoax.  It is not is has killed exists. 

    The hoax is how the left/media are using it to blame Trump.  Claiming he played it down.  He took action.   I can give you quotes of Gov Coumo, Fauci, Pelosi, Vox Media etc all saying the same things about it in the beginning. ie. No as bad a flu, do not worry, will not be a pandemic.   That is what we believed at that time.   But still Trump did take action. 

    I am not wearing a mask. I am not sick.  I am not a high risk group.  In my county there is 1 active case.  My area should not be treated as if we have 1,000s of cases running around.   Wearing a mask improperly does not help the person wearing it.  I have always social distanced naturally.  Again if you are worried about wear your mask (properly or it is a waste of time)  If I lived in NY or NJ....I would likely wear the mask. 
      May 19, 2020 10:45 AM MDT

  • 3907
    Hello again, my:

    Cuban for pres..  Yeah!

      May 19, 2020 9:44 AM MDT

  • 35071
    That is a bridge too far for me.  LOL This post was edited by my2cents at May 19, 2020 10:31 AM MDT
      May 19, 2020 10:30 AM MDT