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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » An Answermug long-time friend, different country from mine brought up something I have never personally experienced. Have you?

An Answermug long-time friend, different country from mine brought up something I have never personally experienced. Have you?

She said there is a definite difference in how those who are wealthy engage in conversation with others. Those who come from less wealthy families with fewer educational opportunities are easy to spot because they aren't hoity toity. They are just regular people. Some of the "educated" possibly talk down to the rest of the folks. I can't recall that ever being an issue but then I am notorious for not noticing things. I didn't know if the people with whom I worked came from wealth and led privileged lives or if they were like me...lower middle class financially. Maybe others could and maybe I just never paid any attention. Now of course if they drove super duper fancy schmancy expensive cars or wore Rolex watches I would have a clue but if they did I never noticed that either. Do you notice lots of things all the time?  I guess I don't. Why that is I do not have a clue.

Posted - May 18, 2020


  • 6023
    I almost said I didn't know anybody from a wealthy family ... but then remembered my ex-in-laws (grandparents of my ex-wife) are actually wealthy.

    But they earned it through hard work.  Mainly getting in on the "ground floor" of computers, in the 1950s.
    They also made some wise investments with their "rainy day" funds.

    Other than their charitable giving, by their lifestyle and language you wouldn't know they're any different from their lower-middle-income neighbors.

      May 18, 2020 1:46 PM MDT

  • 113301
    That's been my experience too but then my circle of friends/acquaintances is not that broad. Oh you know what Walt? I just remembered my son dated a girl in high school for a short time whose mom was divorced and obviously was wealthy because she lived in a mansion in an exclusive area of L.A. called Bell Canyon. I went there a few times. She was nice enough but dripped of money in her conversation and her surroundings. If her daughter had not been dating my son I doubt she would have given me the time of day. I also worked for a couple who were wealthy but they really didn't lord it over anyone. They both wore Rolex watches but they were the steel kind which I personally don't think is all that attractive but I didn't feel "less than". And then there was one time in high school when I went to a New Year's Eve party at the home of a very wealthy classmate. She was swell and so were her parents but they sure lived in a huge gorgeous home with MARBLE floors. I kid you not!. We had a very good time. It was a small party and lasted all night and in the morning her mom made us breakfast. Down to earth. I think that's about it. When I was growing up though some of the kids in school would talk about what they did on their summer vacations and well I didn't really have anything to share.Once we went back to Detroit to visit our grandparents for two weeks. Once we visited relatives in Fresno for a long holiday weekend and camped out at Yosemite. Two times away from home. Not that I minded much. I've always preferred being at home to anywhere else. Thank you for your reply! :) This post was edited by RosieG at May 18, 2020 3:32 PM MDT
      May 18, 2020 2:02 PM MDT

  • 14795
    It's not all about what people say ,in many cases it's more about the hidden body language that speaks more than words can say..If you look at people's eyes and mouth or even hands when you shake to greet each other and more so if you've never met before ..
    Most people can't control their facial expepressions or emotions 100% of the time ,there are always something that gives them away in their speech or how they hold themselves as they stand...
    My mother was and still is an expert and always was with every one that she spoke to....she would all ways tell us kids if she liked or trusted anyone that came to our home or even when I/we were out with het...
    Its very difficult to hide 100% of what you are like and even what your thinking...even the way you phrase things in general conversation gives away what you are really like Rosie...
    I can prove it even right this second as I always answer you...xxxx
      May 18, 2020 3:26 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I guess you recognized you're the long-time friend honey. I can't get anything by you! You know what though when I meet someone whether in person or via the internet I get "vibes" from that person. Now of course via the internet you can't see the person so all you have are the words used. In person though you've got the whole enchilada. I can meet someone and either be drawn in immediately or I feel very uncomfortable. I can go into a room and immediately want to leave or stay. It's always been that way and perhaps it's just imagination. Now over the years we (you and me) don't always agree but so what? If we did how would we learn anything from each other and learning is my carrot and will always be my carrot. Also I am notoriously oblivious to my surroundings at times. I can pass by something for years in a neighborhood and never notice it. Then all of a sudden I do. Jim smiles at me very sweetly and says "'s always been there. It isn't new". So while I think I'm quite good at feeling "vibes" maybe I'm not so hot. As a child I always wished I were more outgoing and not so shy. I guess I'm making up for it in my old age. All I know is I like being in the company of some folks and don't like being around others and I can't pretend I like folks I don't so I don't! Thank you for your thoughtful answer and Happy Tuesday to thee D. I wonder what today will bring? SIGH.
      May 19, 2020 1:26 AM MDT

  • 14795
    Through age should come wisdom and for want of a more apt words kindness and understanding ...
    You were one of the very first people I spoke to on AB and you were the only one who was helpful to me there....
    You CS t hide what you are over that period of time and I don't think you've ever changed and it's unlike,y that you ever will now I think....
    Each day for us all is like reading a new book and each page reads differently to the previous one ....
    We are all entitled to our oppinions as long as we keep and open mind and except we could be wrong....
    We all se things so differently to....after all,we are not all clones of each other and we all evolve in slightly differnt ways....
    We all have to except change to as things can never stay exactly the same forever....
    We know now humans have been around for a million years and who knows how much's taken that time for us al to evolve in to what we are now....look how much things have moved on in the last 150 years or so...
    I have only had good vibes from you Rosie....but you do go on about Trump to have far to much to offer than that.....I don't understand America's political set up ...when you and others discuse goes completly over my head....
    i still find it unbelievable that people in cities are still allowed guns..more so why all of your police need to be armed ...
    I dread to think what it would be like if all our police in England carried loaded weapons....the death toll would increase over night I think...I have many factual stories about the careless things our police has done over the years...
    Knowledge and passing it on is a wonderful thing... It's a shame we are not all geared up to do that...

    Often it is better to speak with others you can't see ...sometimes body language can't work against you and you might dislike them buy the way they dress or the fact that they are smothered in tattoos..
    We are often not all what we apear to be and that works both ways to..
      May 19, 2020 5:46 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Wow. You are very kind D. I agree I talk too much about the powers that be. But I also ask tons of question about other topics...physics, literature, memories of childhood and no one ever remembers those. They only ever remember the ones about politics. Now why is that exactly? How many dimensions are there? I have no idea. There are three we acknowledge. But perhaps our universie is multi-dimensional...say 26 dimensions. We are only capable of discerning Three of them but that doesn't mean that's all there are. Imagine what might be found in those other 23 dimensions? Quite likely the answers to all our questions? When I ask such questions guess who responds? Practically no one. All that most folks expect from me is politics. I am much more than that and I have shown that and yet here we are and I'm still perceived as political and nothing else. On rare occasion I will get a bite from someone interested in other things but for the most part people only reply so they can attack/insult or agree vis a vis politics. I cite passages from books and poems and ask what others think? Nothing it seems for they go unanswered. I ask about "are you the best you are ever going to be" and will I get an answer from anyone? Unlikely. I ask which person in your life do you most credit for helping you through a difficult time and what do I get? Silence. I ask what occurs to me and always will. I'm here to ask questions. Having any answered is icing on a cake. Having cogent helpful informative answers is what I enjoy the most. I'm here to learn. You can't know what you don't know unless you ask or research. Through the years of our friendship you have provided a great deal of information grounded in intelligence and facts. We also have had our times discussing the beauty of hands. Poetic I think. I don't enjoy being pigeonholed by others who  only ever perk up when I ask a  political question and don't notice me when I ask non-political ones as well. Well I said what was on mind as I always do. I don't edit or hold back and at the time I am always just being me. I never regret what I say because at that moment it was exactly what I thought. Later on I may think differently but I never regret sharing my truth in real time. Rambling as usual. Stream-of-consciousness like James Joyce in no particular order. A great way to vent so things don't pile up and become a crushing burden! Thank you for your nifty reply and for staying on through mine D! :) ((hugs)) This post was edited by RosieG at May 19, 2020 6:37 AM MDT
      May 19, 2020 6:01 AM MDT

  • 14795
    I find you very knowledgeable Rosie in most all things and far more than I ever expected in that great big void out there...
    All politics make me seethe with anger, all i feel are bigoted and most all mean do as I say and not what I do...
    Being English I think still...more often or no ,I don't understand what you are saying...
    I do try to answer everything I understand...more so if I can chip in with some sort of funny retort to lighten things up a bit and I suppose so I don't tread on to many toes...not everyone wants to hear what they dont want to hear.. 
    My bet is that your full of forgotten things that that have been amazing back then and most likely still many old ways of doing things were full of such useful ideas....when I'm in my dad workshop...2 qui calls and both my grandfathers turn up and led a hand or show me how that did it years without the use of machines...I collect old tools and always use them when I can...Both American and Canadian tools are amazing...  
    Things you say are always interesting Rosie...
      May 19, 2020 2:10 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I expect you have no idea how sweet you are D. The main advantage of being old is having experienced many things which I have. So far I have led a blessed life in that I have never confronted anything I couldn't handle and get through. Which is surprising considering I am an introvert and was very shy and had a very hard time getting through school due to my being not like everyone else. I LOVED SCHOOL. I counted the days till school would begin. After two weeks of summer vacation I was BORED. That is not normal. I've always loved taking tests because that's the only way you know what you don't know and I like to know that. So early on I was an odd duck and I still am. Always told the truth because I was afraid of being caught in a lie and being labeled a LIAR. Which is why liars disgust me and I say so. I have been very lucky to have encountered many excellent people and learned from them. At 82 I am more curious about things than I have ever been. The curiosity seems to have accelerated because I know time is getting less for me and as Robert Frost said so eloquently..."I have promises to keep and many more miles to go before I sleep"I am not everyone's cuppa tea and that does not bother me. Those who do hang in must find enough there for them to keep chatting with me. Those who go away and stay have every right to do that. I think I haven't changed at all but "they" have. Of course it might well be me who changed. I think it's hard to tell such things about oneself. All I know is that I ask questions because they occur to me and when I get a really good answer it means the world to me. I think I told you my grandfather was an artist in wood and had a shop on Woodward Avenue in Highland Park, Michigan called "Paris Woodworks". I loved going into his shop with it being redolent of wood shavings. There is something so pleasing about that "smell". It takes me back to being 3 and watching my grandfather at his craft. I have a very good recall about so many things and don't remember at all so many other things. I wonder why memory is as it is? Why do I remember the smallest things and forget some of the hugest? Anyway suffice it to say I'm glad you're one of the ones who chose to hang in with me D. I appreciate you. Thank you for your thoughtful and very kind reply and Happy Wednesday to thee! :) This post was edited by RosieG at May 20, 2020 3:42 AM MDT
      May 20, 2020 3:28 AM MDT

  • 14795
    You remember automatically the things you have a true interest in Rosie....just a glimpse is all it takes to implant it in your memerory so as you can talk about it and pass all useful information on....Most people want to pass good vibes on to their children and we try and do that by making those things enjoyable to listen to...we are in turn more harsh in our speech when pointing out things that we think wrong...
    In a nice way ,passing on to others the information about the best way to do any job is like boasting in a nice way..,to me it feels good when they take notice and more so if they try it and it works and they end up saving money...
    Im very cost concious of all that we enrages me when Companies  rip people off for tiny things ...
    We like Matzo Jewish flour and water hard baked crackers....They cost .99 English pennies in all of our shops...Amazon sell them for almost £ 10pounds for one 300 gram box ...10.5 ounces...
    A major English DIY chain called Sainbursbury Home Base sold 3 Dia Chromic 50 w low voltage light bulbs for just under £8 pounds some years ago when they were popular here....I could buy the same three bulbs for less then £1 pound ...
    i think it's disgusting that large firms rip people of like that ,there are so many other things like that to...
    Same in England with all types if building materials....go to the wrong merchant and you can pay 4-5 times the price for the goods you buy......the worst thing is that our government has a hand in it to.....They add another 20% to everything bought almost in this the more business charges for its products ...the more cash they steal from people way do they care  how this effects people....they are actually far worse than the traders that do it...
    Its nothing more then hidden theft I think...
      May 20, 2020 4:47 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I'm going to tell you something I know you know but it bears repeating. There are people who ADORE PAYING MORE FOR EVERYTHING and would never clip coupons to save money or buy at a discount store. They BRAG about it! It shows you how very wealthy they are and also WHAT SNOBS they are. Why pay less when you can pay more at a fancy store where everyone knows you? Some LOOK DOWN on those of us who shop at Walmart and they will only shop/name drop at high-end import stores where you can buy anything from anywhere at any price and feel ritzy doing it. I'm a snob but not about things. I'm a snob about the folks I get close to and chat with and spend time with. I hold out for only the best. I don't settle for dreck. Maybe everyone is a snob about something. I'm going to ask. Thank you for your thoughtful opining D! :) This post was edited by RosieG at May 20, 2020 9:09 AM MDT
      May 20, 2020 5:27 AM MDT

  • 14795
    I don't think that makes you a snob at all dad knows some real rough diamonds ...any of them he would leave in our home and we would all go out and nothing at all would ever be touched... Even to this day and now that all  his are adults...if anyone did us or our mother any harm they would tear their limbs if if they caught them ...
    Some might apear to strangers as being really rough and uncouth...but like any book,you can't judge them all by their cover...You'd be supprised of how most all look out for the elderly when they are out and about..
    The biggest strongest looking meanest looking guys more then not have soft hearts when it come to protecting females ,kids,babies and the older people...most I know are extremely charitable to...

    One of my dads oldest wealthy couststomers told me a story about how toffs up in Chelsea and quite close to Buck Palace have money than brains....There could be two shops next door to each other selling the exact same peices of furniture might sell a table for £500 pounds and the posh shop next door sells the exact shane table for £ 1500 way on earth would they let anyone without a big designer brand name pull up and deliver good to their door....
    My friend works in Harrods...they sell 50 pence woollen baby bobble  hats for £ 20 pound or more...
    Dopey biggoted  people do the sane the world present like this new virus, there is no know cure ...
      May 20, 2020 9:27 AM MDT

  • 14795
    I don't think that makes you a snob at all dad knows some real rough diamonds ...any of them he would leave in our home and we would all go out and nothing at all would ever be touched... Even to this day and now that all  his are adults...if anyone did us or our mother any harm they would tear their limbs if if they caught them ...
    Some might apear to strangers as being really rough and uncouth...but like any book,you can't judge them all by their cover...You'd be supprised of how most all look out for the elderly when they are out and about..
    The biggest strongest looking meanest looking guys more then not have soft hearts when it come to protecting females ,kids,babies and the older people...most I know are extremely charitable to...

    One of my dads oldest wealthy couststomers told me a story about how toffs up in Chelsea and quite close to Buck Palace have money than brains....There could be two shops next door to each other selling the exact same peices of furniture might sell a table for £500 pounds and the posh shop next door sells the exact shane table for £ 1500 way on earth would they let anyone without a big designer brand name pull up and deliver good to their door....
    My friend works in Harrods...they sell 50 pence woollen baby bobble  hats for £ 20 pound or more...
    Dopey biggoted  people do the sane the world present like this new virus, there is no know cure ...
      May 20, 2020 9:27 AM MDT

  • 113301
    You know what D? That does not comfort me...that "people are the same the world over". There was a TWILIGHT ZONE episode decades ago titled that I believe. It was a very popular science fiction show. Did you ever happen to get in your country? It was way before your time but maybe your parents or grandparents heard of it. But it turned that the "all over" included beings on other planets. If that isn't depressing I don't know what is. I still think somewhere out there is a place where people have learned how to live with one another and get along and work together for common goals. Maybe not "people" the way I'm used to them but beings that are thinking living creatures. Maybe it's just another fairy tale I want to believe. But isn't anything possible somewhere maybe? It sure would be fun to find out! Thank you for your thoughtful and as usual very informative reply D. I appreciate that you are taking the time to explore this topic comprehensively. I still think you Brits are much better than we are. I'm a fan as you know! :) This post was edited by RosieG at May 20, 2020 2:01 PM MDT
      May 20, 2020 9:38 AM MDT

  • 14795
    Earth is not even one grain of sand in all the desert of this plant pretty sure albeit I can't prove it yet that there are countless billions of planets out there with life forms just like us ....if you think of all the life forms that have come from just this one planet over the millions of years since the most basic life forms that changed and evolved into what we are now...Humans of a sort have been around for almost a billion years and most likely far far longer...
    The thing is.....not you of I will never ever know  and no one can predict when earthlings will ever find out pollution and Everloution might just gang up to stop us...
    The English government and Roylty are nothing to look up to Rosie...over the thousand or two years we have created more attrocties than ever other country...
      May 20, 2020 2:22 PM MDT

  • 113301
    A GALAXY is a huge collection of gas, dust, billions of stars and their solar systems D. It is estimated that there are between 200 BILLION and TWO TRILLION galaxies in the universe. A galaxy is held together by gravity. Mind-boggling isn't it? So the possibilities probabilities are endless limitless inconceivable. Thank you for your reply D. I am a fan of I am a fan of right here right now but I am not limited to that. Many people are and that is very sad. For them! Happy Thursday to thee! :)
      May 21, 2020 3:53 AM MDT

  • 14795
    Very sad indeed when so many live wearing blinkers and far worse that ver few want them to be removed...will it be ever possible to travel to the edge and beyond..will anyone ever know where it all keeps expanding to ...not in our time  but in ten thousand more if mankind gets to live that long...
      May 21, 2020 5:25 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Many somewhere out there in an afterware we shall uncover discover. Maybe. Thank you for your reply D! :)
      May 21, 2020 6:04 AM MDT

  • 17059
    Not quite. Yes, the Empire upon which the Sun Never Set was and is guilty of genocide many times over, but have still a way to go to catch Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union or China (Both the Communists and the Khans) - and on a per capita basis, Pol Pot remains the bloodiest despot of all time. The UK also has never used a nuclear weapon in warfare - that atrocity remains the sole domain of the United States, and it was totally unneccessary. The USSR was to enter the Pacific War on August 15 as per the Pottsdam agreement, Truman ordered the destruction of two Japanese cities for no other reason than to make the Emperor holler "uncle" before the Russians got there.
      May 21, 2020 6:21 AM MDT

  • 113301
      May 21, 2020 1:02 PM MDT

  • 14795
    The English fared no better ,it knowingly  gave small pox and the plague to the Anerican ,Canadian  and Alaskan Indian tribes...They also did the same to the indigenous people they hated in Austraila ,New Zealand  and God knows where else the the English Royalty wanted to rape and pillage... 
    Look at  what the English did to Ireland and Scotland both..Then you had the crusade where the English thought they had the right to enflict their views on the Middle East .We are up there with to worse if a contest ,we would be a long way from the end..
      May 21, 2020 4:45 PM MDT

  • 17059
    The Crusades were the brainchild of the Pope and the Byzantine emperor - the English were roped in as Papal vassals, it wasn't their idea.
      May 21, 2020 11:28 PM MDT

  • 14795
    It no different then any other crime.......if you let yourself get roped in to commiting and crime including Genicide your as bad or even worse then those evil people that perpetrated it in the first place.....We all know the RC church spends multi million dollars a year protecting their peadophill priests.....
    Even Austrailan RC Cardinal Pelle only got five years in prison for raping God knows how many innocent boys and girls...
    Now it seems our English so called Royal family is not any different...   Funny how if you are rich ,powerful ,famous or religious you can get away with anything....and the only thing they will be hounded from until they die is an unpaid parking ticket..
      May 22, 2020 3:42 AM MDT

  • 13277
    Rosie, you can and do make sweeping generalizations about groups of people, but if you get to know individuals with an open mind and without being unduly prejudiced by preconceived assumptions, you will be surprised how different each individual can be.
      May 18, 2020 3:37 PM MDT